Dear Emma,
It’s hard to believe that we only have a little over a month left with each other. I still remember every detail about the first few days we lived together, as if it just happened yesterday.
Thank you for everything you’ve done for me in these last seven months. Although I might not say thank you everyday, just remember that I’m always grateful for you and all you do.
For now and until the day I graduate, I’ll always have a part of you in my heart. I feel so lucky to be able to say that I had such a great roommate. After hearing all the roommate horror stories from everyone else, it’s such a good feeling to not know what that’s like. You’ve made the first year at Iowa such a good one.
Being able to grow with you for a year has been a really neat experience. I’m glad that we’ve both found things that make us happy. I’m glad that you’ve found a second family with your sorority and even a special someone who makes you smile. 😉
I knew that you’d be a role model since the day I moved in with you, and I just want to remind you that you still are one! You hold such high standards for yourself and those around you, that it’s contagious not to want to strive for more. I’m so proud of everything you’ve worked on, set your heart to, and accomplished this semester. I will always be rooting for you roomie.
Thank you for not tearing my hair out in the mornings when I drop something or turn on the loud Keurig as I get ready and you sleep. Thank you for always sharing your momma’s homemade goods with me. Thank you for your open closet when I need it. Thank you for everything!
I don’t know what next year will bring for us, but whatever it may be I just wanted to sum it up: Thank you for being an amazing first-year roommate and always remember that I love you today and everyday.
Let’s make this last month one to remember.
PS, do you remember getting trapped in our own room? Hahaha