To the amazing girls I’ve met in the last three months:
Dear Emma,
I hit a home run when I got you as my roommate. Thank you for the constant pep talks, celebration cheers, and endless love. I used to pray every night that I would get a roommate who would double up as a best friend, and my prayers were surely answered. People know when we’re together, because what other roommates scream at the top of their lungs when something (anything) happens? Nobody but us. There is no one as determined and focused as you, and that’s something that rubs off on me. I want you to know that you’re one of the biggest role models in our friend group – and that’s something to be really proud of! Thank you for being honest with me in everything, even the tough situations where you have to tell me I’m doing wrong. Thank you for telling me that that boy isn’t worth all the trouble and that my next exam will go better. You’re the serenity to a lot of the madness that goes on, and I love you for that. I know that if I got to go back and find a roommate again, I would always pick you. Continuously. I love you.
Remember when we were locked INSIDE our room for two hours? And one of us almost jumped out the window because of a panic attack. One for the books.
Dear Camille,
Through you, I have found the thrilling perspective about college. It was hard for me in the beginning. You were one of the few people I told about wanting to transfer. However, you didn’t push away when I showed you I was breaking. Instead, you kept picking me up. Thank you. From that, you made sure I would always have fun. You’ve made college what it should be – fun! Our memories are one in a million. I’m going to look back at these years and cherish all of our wild, hilarious times together. You’ve made every single day here a little better than the last. I know I’ve found a forever friend in you. Thank you for making Iowa City feel like home. If it wasn’t for your constant support and encouragement, who knows how I would be feeling up to this day. I used to be upset thinking about the future. . . I thought I wasn’t going to have you across the hall anymore. Wrong. I can’t wait to be living with you all over again next year! We’re a power duo and we’ll continue to be.
Dear Holly,
The story of how our friendship became will always be one I’ll remember. I hate math, and in some ironic way that is the one class that has brought me the best of friends I have here at Iowa. Sitting next to you on the first day of class is a choice I’ll never regret. Little did I know that through you, I would find my twin. There is nobody who can keep up with me as much as you do, and for that I thank you. You’re always there to hug me when I have my little mental breakdowns (which are daily, haha). You’re always there to make me laugh and keep me motivated to finish anything I have to do. I’m so lucky that we continue to become closer with each passing day. You have such a passion and drive to achieve your goals. I admire that about you. No matter what ends up happening with your major these next few years, I want you to know that you’re such an intelligent girl. You’re going to gain so much from having such a bright head on your shoulder. I can’t wait to be your roommate next year. I want to thank the worst class ever for giving me my best friend ever.
Dear Kennedy,
You once said to me, “Lizbeth I’ve never met anyone like you”. Well Kennedy, I’ve never met anyone like you either! You’re the funniest, quirkiest, smartest girl I know here. I love everything about you. I wish I could balance everything out as well as you do. Thank you for being as fun and lively as you are on weekends yet so engaged and driven on weekdays. Someday we’re going to look back at all of the pictures and videos we have together and clench our stomachs from laughing so hard. You’re such a great neighbor. Thank you for giving me some of my best memories here at Iowa. I’ll never forget you Ken.
Dear Emma N.,
Even though I don’t see you nearly as much as I did at the beginning of the school year, I want you to know that you will always be one of my best friends here. I love you so much. You have seriously been with me since day one. Through all the ups and downs I’ve been through here at Iowa, you have never left my side. You have such whole, caring heart for others and that’s something that I noticed about you right off the bat. You watch out for all of your friend’s well-beings. At times you remind me of my older sister, and that brings a part of home here. Becoming close to you was so easy, because you understand me in so many ways that others just don’t. Thank you for always being a call or text away. You have such an impelling attitude that it’s contagious. You’re hardworking and always test your limits, which is something I try doing daily but don’t always have the courage to do. Even though we have different friend groups, always remember that no matter where life takes us, I will always be your friend.
Dear Ally,
Remember when I refused to talk to you since our fathers tried so hard to make us become friends? I laugh every time I think about that. Now, I can’t fathom a world without you. You’ve taught me so much in the three months I’ve been here. Thank you for taking me under your wing and showing me the ropes of Iowa. You play the role of a big sister and best friend in my life. There are so many things I look up to you about. On my tough days, you’re the person I can confide in. You listen, you’re honest with your words, and you don’t think twice about lending a hand out. You give so much and never expect anything in return. You have such a big heart and that’s going to get you so far. Thank you for being with me through the roller coaster of my freshman year. In a sense, you’re a piece of home. There isn’t another sophomore I’d rather be closer with than you.
Remember when my date accidentally elbowed you in the face and gave you a black eye?