To many, deciding whether to get a job first semester or not may be a tricky choice. Yes money is nice but so is going out with friends – you see the dilemma?
In my situation, I was blessed enough to have parents who were willing to give me money first semester in order to not get a job right off the bat. They thought that trying to balance a job, academics, and a social life right away would be too much for me to handle. Boy, were they right! First semester is a huge transition and a big learning period. If I were to give my honest advice, I’d say avoid a job first semester and focus on settling in. Take the extra time you have and go out with friends, explore Iowa City, and just make Iowa your new home.
In order to do this, however, it’d be a smart idea to start saving up money during summer prior to moving to Iowa City. My roommate spent her summer working so she wouldn’t have to get a job during the school year, which worked out perfectly for her. She has her own money without having to have a job here. It’s all about what works for you and your situation.
However, life can’t be all fun and games forever. There’s a certain point where you have to quit relying on your parents and show them that you can do it out in the real world on your own. As second semester rolls around, you now know what does and doesn’t work for you, which makes it easier to decide when squeezing time for a job accommodates you.
I was given such a neat opportunity at the University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics, where I not only have a job that allows me to build connections with people in my field but also lets me choose my own schedule. For the most part, most jobs around here are flexible since they know that academics are first priority. I chose to work Monday through Thursday mornings before class, which allows me to get it “out of the way” right at the beginning of my day, along with a three day weekend. Although waking up early isn’t my favorite thing to do, it works for me.
Choosing to get a job may be a tricky choice, but with all the openings in Iowa City and, it’s an easy process. All you have to do is fill out a general student application and click on all the jobs you’re interested in. A few do have extra applications though.
On a side note, I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to my momma and papa for supporting me with absolutely everything my first year at Iowa. I wouldn’t have been able to survive first semester without all of your love, advice, and even money (lol). I love you both so much!!!
Xoxo, Lizbeth