Hey, everyone! I wanted to share what a day looks like for me…this is just today everything adjusts day-to-day but I try to stay as consistent as possible…
7:30-8:45 Sports anchor DITV show
9-10:30 Get ready for the day, have some breakfast
10:30-11:15 look over note before class
11:30-1:20 Rhetoric in the EPB
1:30-2:00 Lunch with my roomie
2:30-3:20 Understanding American Cultures lecture
3:45-5:00 Work on paper
5:30-7:00 Go edit project at DITV studio
7:15-8:00 Dinner with friends
9:00-10:00 Workout
10:15-10:30 Shower
11:00 time for bed
I hope this helps to see my day written out, but every day is different and I hope you find your rhythm every day.
love <3