
Snobbishness. Humph.

This post is very short. The pretentious rarely fiddle with blog posts during supper.

Tonight’s dinner consists of vegetable-roasted crackers and brie with a side of Italian bread. Mozart’s fifth violin concerto plays in the background. I have changed from the dress I wore for today’s photo shoot into a comfortable tee-shirt and shorts. I will relax in my comfy blue chair with The Ethics of What We Eat and learn about agriculture or study art history and learn of the world’s greatest artists.

I love college.

2 thoughts on “Pretentiousness”



    To arrive at the point of having a sense of ethics, one must have 1) EMOTION which would lead to 2) EMPATHY which would lead to 3) having a sense of RIGHT OR WRONG or a CONSCIENCE.

    So, for starters, does anybody have EMOTION towards their food?

    I don’t think so.

    Therefore, I’d argue the entire premise of the book is illogical.

    This is an interesting topic to think about. Is my premise correct.

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