This is a quickie because I have class in twenty minutes.
Yesterday was fun. I went to Drawn into Learning (which I love—for homework, I drew a portrait of myself and wrote an introduction for the class) and Rhetoric (which has an awesome instructor). I planned to pull an all-nighter, but that was unsuccessful because of a floor meeting. I sat next to a girl on my floor named Alyse, who wears the coolest, multicolored glass I’ve ever seen.
“I feel bad because I missed the Hillel barbeque,” I said.
(For those who don’t know, Hillel is essentially Jew club, and I didn’t miss the barbeque by choice—I got lost.)
“No way.” She faced me. “I’m Jewish too.”
“Yeah. Do you know any other Jews on our floor?”
“There’s one other girl, but she doesn’t practice as much.”
“Oh. Well, we should go to Hillel together.”
“Yeah, definitely.”
We listened to the speakers at the floor meeting and assembled in small groups afterward. I met this awesome kid named Dan, an awesome kid named James and another awesome kid named Zach. We stopped by my room with a few other writers (The boys were fascinated by my bonsai and majestica tree. Their awe was appreciated.) and then headed upstairs to the boy’s floor, where we created a writers’ handshake.
“I drew a portrait of you on your door,” I said to Dan. “It kind of looks like Harry Potter, but whatever.”
He ran to his door.
“THIS IS AWESOME.” He ran back to me. “You’re my new best friend.”
“Aw thanks. You’re my new best friend too. Can we be NaNoWriMo best friends?”
(NaNoWriMo is a project in which you write a novel in November. It’s really fun and a lot of pressure. Sometimes people throw parties for it.)
“No,” he said.
I gave him my saddest face. He didn’t care. It looked like this: :<
It was sad.
Now it’s time to learn. Au revoir.
“We stopped by my room…The boys were fascinated by my bonsai and majestica tree. Their awe was appreciated.”
SOOOO dirty Rebecca!!! haha