I was a zombie doll for Iowa City’s annual zombie walk. Alyssa the Fabulous did my makeup and Alicia the Fantastic recorded. You can watch the makeup tutorial here:
I’ve never really cared about my clothes before Iowa, but since I’ve been here, I’ve considered revamping my closet a few times. People have told me I look like a hobo (affectionately) and at least three people offered to shop for/with me (we’re planning a mall trip), but I don’t really think it’s necessary. Just because I dress in flannel, wear beaten down sneakers and carry a purse comparable to an outdoor seat cushion doesn’t make me any less fashionable than the next girl.
Well, except James told me so once. Maybe twice, but it wasn’t as bad as the second time. The first time, I didn’t really care because we were in the dorms and I could change into a better outfit. The second time, we were hunting for zombie outfits for yesterday’s zombie walk and my unstylishness was addressed in public.
“Laura told me I look like a hobo,” I said as we looked through jackets.
“Well, you kind of do,” he said.
“James, that was mean,” said Zach. “You can’t just tell people they look like a hobo.”
“You think I look like a hobo?”
“It’s just your jacket.” He looked through some jackets. “I don’t like it. It looks like something a homeless person would wear.”
That stung a little.
“I like your jacket,” said Zach.
“Thank you, Zach.”
“Are you alright?”
“I just feel a little deflated is all.”
“See what you did, James? You made her sad.”
“Aw, I’m not sad.”
“I wasn’t trying to be mean,” said James.
“It’s alright.” I looked through another rack of clothes. “You’re fine.”
I had actually been at the store a few days before with Alyssa and Becky (who wears the wickedest clothes I’ve ever seen), shopping for an outfit for Alyssa and her Jersey Shore party.
As she tried on golden bras, fishnet sweaters and leather daisy dukes, I tried on wool hats. Becky brought me a pink one and said, “Here, Rebecca, I think you’d look really good in pink.”
“Thanks.” I tried it on and looked in the mirror. It was flipping adorable. “Aw, it’s cute.”
“It’s so cute.”
“Thank you. I might get it.”
“You should.”
“Hey, you guys,” said Alyssa from the dressing room. “Come see.”
We entered and saw our sweet, bubbly friend dressed in a low-cut gray vest, leather shorts and a golden bikini top. We laughed and she changed into her regular clothes as I admired my hat in the mirror and Becky looked through jewelry. Alyssa and I joined her at the front of the store.
“I really want this.” She showed me the ring on her finger. “It’s the white rabbit. It’ll go with my costume.”
(Becky wants to be Alice of Alice in Wonderland for Halloween. I think it might be cool. She could pull off edgy Alice or something.)
“Well, are you ever going to wear it again?” I asked. “It’s kind of a waste of money if you only wear it once.”
She set it back. She paid for her $3.00 sweater-dress, I paid for my pink wool hat, and Alyssa bought her golden bra-thing, leather shorts and gray vest.
It was a pretty successful shopping trip. I’d say people are preparing for Halloween all over campus. It’s nice that we got a head start.
(Also, Kelsey, I think you should get the snail if it’s allowed. You’d have the coolest pet on the floor and I’d envy you. Thanks for all the comments on the art, you guys. 🙂 )(Also, James is really awesome. He left me a note at my door this morning basically telling me so. Thanks, James. You rock. 🙂 )