According to my laptop’s reflection, I rolled out of bed, threw on an Iowa t-shirt and forgot to sleep last night. This is almost accurate because I did roll out of bed and throw on an Iowa t-shirt, but I didn’t forget to sleep last night. I would have forgotten except I had just spoken with my rhetoric teacher about my sleeping patterns (or lack thereof) and remembered at 1:22 in the morning that most people sleep and I should too.
Consequently, I woke with the feeling of a thousand dwarves pick-axing the interior of my esophagus and a heavy weight beneath my forehead. Alyssa just gave me hot chocolate because she pities my current state, in which my larynx cannot endure anything greater than chicken noodle soup broth, which is bad because I really want a cookie right now.
That said, I recommend sleep. Sleep speeds the metabolism, preserves memory and information and strengthens the immune system. I forgot the importance of sleep because of my forthcoming science midterm, which will (hopefully not) obliterate me. Sadly, I don’t believe will ever look at the anatomy of extinct beings as “cool” again, and will instead associate them with ailment and sleep deprivation.
Although you could argue this whole predicament is my doing (I was the one who stayed up studying), I feel physically ill and I want someone to blame even if it’s not their fault. I suppose I’ll blame Zach because he promised he’d help me study for my midterm and instead we saw Exit Through the Gift Shop, leaving me to study in the “wee hours of the morning” without assistance.
I mean, he could have brought me soup. James brought me potato soup. I guess Zach was too exhausted from the blood drive or something. It would have been nice, though. I would have brought him soup, but oh well. We’ll probably watch Glee later and that’ll make up for the lack of soup-giving.
Well, I’m going to nap. Good night.