We have been in school for almost four weeks now and I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m barely getting use to doing homework! Well…apparently I’ve been assigned homework since the second week of school and I barely found out about it this week, which is NOT GOOD!! I’ve watched my friends work on homework these past few weeks and I simply thought I was lucky that I didn’t have work to do yet! No homework for me, life is good! Boy, was I dead wrong! But its not like no one told me, I mean my class syllabus stated it perfectly clear…all I had to do was look at it! Ahh!! Now I have to play catch-up, which is not fun. 🙁 So just a few words of advice to any future Hawkeyes…class syllabuses are your friends! Use them!
P.S. My time here has been great despite the whole homework issue thing. I’m finally getting use to this whole college life and I think I’m going to be just fine. I’ve attended a few events on campus and I’ve really enjoyed myself, especially in the recent HelloGoodbye concert last Friday (There was a girl who was in front of me and she was dancing REALLY REALLY funny! Haha…but that’s another story for another time!) 🙂
Oh My Gosh… I just blogged about the AWESOME FREE HELLOGOODBYE CONCERT TOO! 😀
I had an amazing time, I was up front, in the midst of all the sweaty excitement….. and believe it or not-there was a man in front of me craze dancing.
It brought me great joy! 😀