You want to know what’s just as stressful as studying for classes?
Registering for them!
I mean, there are just sooooo many you can choose from! It’s crazy! I’m one of the few lucky people that get to register on the first day, which is tomorrow. The good thing about that is that I basically get to choose any class I want and not worry about classes being full. But the downside is I don’t know what classes to take! I want to take sooo many of them, but I don’t want to overwhelm myself. And to add to my frustration, I’m having doubts on whether I want to change majors or not. 🙁
Right now I’m double majoring in English and Cinema, but it feels like I’m leaning towards Cinema more and English just doesn’t seem to grab my attention like it used to. I feel crappy because I came to Iowa wanting to write…but now as I’m approaching the end of my first year of college, I don’t know if that’s what I want anymore. I’m sure many will tell me that I still have a lot of time to decide on what area I want to focus on, but I can’t help but feel like time is actually slipping away and soon it’ll be too late. 🙁
I guess I just need to talk to my advisor and explore my options. :/