Guess who’s all moved in?! That’s right, meeee!! I was surprised that Move-In day was not as hectic as it was last year. Everything went a lot smoother and we finished moving in quickly. Before I knew it, I was saying farewell to my family. And even though it’s my second year, it was still very tough saying goodbye to them. Yes, I’ll admit that I was crying like a baby…maybe more so than last year! But I’ll see them again soon, and until then I’m going to enjoy my time back in Iowa City. 🙂

I didn’t do much on my first day in Iowa because I was soo worn out from moving in that I called it a day early. That was kind of boring. But today I went to the President’s Block Party and got some free food! Woot woot! I wasn’t too thrilled about the long lines though. >:( I also felt kind of odd knowing that I wasn’t a freshman anymore. I sort of miss that feeling. But ooooh well. :/

Well anyways, I can’t wait for Welcome Week starting tomorrow! It’s my favorite time of the year! There’s always people giving you free stuff around town and who doesn’t want cool free stuff?! Ahhhh! I can’t wait! 🙂

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