
I’m not much of a texter. In fact, I prefer not to text at all. I actually hate it and refuse to do it. But I do occasionally respond to the messages I receive. Depends on my mood. But to avoid any feelings from getting hurt, I just advise people not to text me.

Seriously. Don’t text me.

Especially if you’re just texting me because you’re bored. I will not help you with that.

In fact, I will probably bore you even more. And if I feel like the conversation is going nowhere, I will simply stop responding. It’s either that or a text saying “Hey, I don’t feel like talking” but I recently found out that people don’t like that very much either.

I can never win. >:/

I think I was born in the wrong generation. What happened to writing letters? What happened to being able to write more than 160 characters? None of this “LOL” and “OMG” crap.

Technology. Gotta’ love it.


On a bright note, it’s Homecoming week! Yey! 🙂

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