Who has been up all night finishing her first lab for Principles of Computing? Yup, this girl right here! I feel like such a dummy because it took me foreverrrr to get it done even though it was supposed to be quite simple. I am just nooo good when it comes to computers…so maybe it’s a good thing that I’m in this class.
It literally took me 7 hours to do this simple little webpage:
Lameeee, I know. 🙁
Week 2 of the new semester is kicking my butt! I already dropped one class because I was starting to feel overwhelmed. My schedule was becoming too much for me with school and work. I just can’t seem to juggle so many things at once. I don’t know how other people do it! Take my fellow blogger Kyra for example…that girl has soooo much going on! I do not know where she get’s all that energy from! Hehe…that rhymed…but that’s not the point! The point is that I want to do sooo much, but I just suck at taking on too many tasks, which is why I envy Kyra sooo much because she seems to be really good at it! Ah! Kyra! Help meee!! Pleeease!
I really want to get involved more this year and participate in all sorts of activities. I’m already thinking about joining Scuba Club and ALMA (Association of Latinos Moving Ahead). Ooh, and Dance Marathon too!
Hmm…we’ll see what happens. 🙂