I’m having major problems! And I mean MAJOR, as in my English major. For a while now, I’ve been contemplating on whether I want to keep pursing English or not. Its a really tough decision for me because the biggest thing that attracted me to Iowa was its AMAZING Writer’s Workshop. I came to Iowa wanting to write and wanting to pursue this great passion of mine, which is why I majored in English. I also majored in Cinema because I was aiming for screenwriting more than any other type of writing. So I thought English and Cinema would make a pretty great combo for double majoring.
But I did not expect to like Cinema so much! In fact, I couldn’t believe how much I liked Cinema more than English! I was hooked after my very first film class! So much that now I don’t want to just do screenwriting…I want to do the WHOLE DARN THING! The producing, the directing, the editing, EVERYTHING!! I am so determined to learn everything about this industry and pursue a career in it! And I know that making it to Hollywood seems like a pretty impossible dream…and many people wouldn’t have much faith in me…but I can’t let that stop me from trying! So I’m going to give it my all and hopefully it’ll pay off in the end.
I was also looking into Communication Studies because I think it would go along great with my Cinema major. I feel like it would help lead me to the places I want to go! I just don’t feel the same way with English. 🙁 I talked to my TRIO coordinator about all this today and she really helped me out and referred me to the Career Center (Thanks, Brooke)! So I hope to find all my answers soon!
Oh, and I also hope that the English department doesn’t end up hating me! 😮