Funky Town

You know that feeling when you feel so down that you just can’t find the motivation to get back up? That feeling that just wears you out so much that you don’t have the slightest energy? That hateful feeling when you have to get out of bed in the morning? That feeling of dread when you know you have a long day ahead of you? That feeling where you just feel so lousy about yourself and the life you are living that you just want to hide forever?

I never felt that way until recently. For the past few months, I found myself in this deep funk that I could not dig myself out of. Time moved on and I just felt stuck. I felt angry. I felt annoyed. And honestly, I felt depressed. Every single thing that once gave me the motivation to keep on going, seemed to have abandoned me. The ambitious person I once was, seemed to disappear. I felt like a nobody. I’ve never felt so much stress and anxiety in my life until then.

Turns out, these kind of feelings are not healthy, especially if you’re keeping them bottled up inside. That was exactly what I was doing. I refused to tell anybody about this “funk” I was in. But once I went home for winter break, my family saw right through me and knew something wasn’t right. So, I gave in and told them what was going on. It went surprisingly well and I started feeling a lot better. The weight I carried on my shoulders went away as I spent more and more time with the people I loved. I realized that all I really needed was a break. The holidays spent with my family brought me the happiness that I was missing. But although I enjoyed my time at home, I found myself excited to come back to school. I was ready to start fresh.

We have just finished the first week of the new semester, and I must say that I am really liking all my classes so far. My schedule is a lot more hectic this time around, but I think I can handle it. Reina is back! No more funks for me! 🙂
I know that college can get tough at times, and many people manage stress differently, but I know now that you shouldn’t hesitate to ask for help when you’re feeling down. I found comfort with my family and friends, but I learned that there are even people here in school that are willing to give a hand. There are counselors you can talk to and people you can trust. Just remember to never give up on yourself. You’re more special than you think.

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