Alright, is it just me or is anyone else happy that Summer is freakin’ over?!
We’ve been in school for about a month in a half now, but I still never feel like school officially starts until it’s actually Fall! The weather is finally cool enough that I can wear enough clothes to cover my awful farmer’s tan! And personally, I think the campus is more beautiful during this season. Ah yes, Fall is wonderful… until midterms start coming around. Yup, those are not fun.
I didn’t do so hot last semester, so this semester I’ve set up new goals for myself to be a better student. You would think that I should have gotten the hand by now since I’m on my third year in college, but I actually still find myself struggling. So I really want to do well this school year! I have to!
I have a midterm in a few hours sooo gotta get back to studying!