Hellooo Fall! :)

Alright, is it just me or is anyone else happy that Summer is freakin’ over?!

We’ve been in school for about a month in a half now, but I still never feel like school officially starts until it’s actually Fall! The weather is finally cool enough that I can wear enough clothes to cover my awful farmer’s tan! And personally, I think the campus is more beautiful during this season. Ah yes, Fall is wonderful… until midterms start coming around. Yup, those are not fun.

I didn’t do so hot last semester, so this semester I’ve set up new goals for myself to be a better student. You would think that I should have gotten the hand by now since I’m on my third year in college, but I actually still find myself struggling. So I really want to do well this school year! I have to!

I have a midterm in a few hours sooo gotta get back to studying!

That’s a wrap!!

Guess what?

It’s summerrrrrrrrr!! Whoo hoo!!

So I ended up passing all my classes despite my midterm delinquency notice, and I couldn’t be any more thrilled!! I was really upset the way this semester was turning out, but I’m glad that I got through it just fine. šŸ™‚

I have now completed my second year of college and I can’t believe I’m halfway there! Yay!!!

Instead of going home for the summer though, I will be staying here in Iowa City to work. :/
That doesn’t sound like much fun, especially since the town looks so lonely now that everyone has left, but I actually like it. Its very peaceful and relaxing. šŸ™‚


Midterm Delinquency Notice! :-o


I got one of these suckers a few days ago. >:[

Midterm delinquency notices are given to students who aren’t doing so well in their classes. In my case, I’m failing my Anthropology class. šŸ™

I didn’t realize how far behind I was and I hate that I let this happen!

I’m freaking out because this semester is killing me and I can’t handle it!!

I need help. šŸ™

I’m a delinquent. šŸ™


Soo thanks to a lovely co-worker of mine, I wasĀ persuadedĀ to get my very own Kindle Fire. I was a little hesitant at first, but now that I have it in my hands…I FREAKIN’ LOVE IT! Yeah, I know everyone is obsessed with the Ipad and whatever, but I’m perfectly satisfied with my Kindle. šŸ™‚

I can’t seem to put it down! I use it for everything! I decided to read the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins because I wanted to know why everyone was so psyched about it. Well, I’m almost done with it and so far I think its aight. Not alright, but AIGHT. There’s a difference.

It’s not a bad book, but…I still don’t understand what all the hype is about.

Funky Town

You know that feeling when you feel so down that you just can’t find the motivation to get back up? That feeling that just wears you out so much that you don’t have the slightest energy? That hateful feeling when you have to get out of bed in the morning? That feeling of dread when you know you have a long day ahead of you? That feeling where you just feel so lousy about yourself and the life you are living that you just want to hide forever?

I never felt that way until recently. For the past few months, I found myself in this deep funk that I could not dig myself out of. Time moved on and I just felt stuck. I felt angry. I felt annoyed. And honestly, I felt depressed. Every single thing that once gave me the motivation to keep on going, seemed to have abandoned me. The ambitious person I once was, seemed to disappear. I felt like a nobody. I’ve never felt so much stress and anxiety in my life until then.

Turns out, these kind of feelings are not healthy, especially if you’re keeping them bottled up inside. That was exactly what I was doing. I refused to tell anybody about this “funk” I was in. But once I went home for winter break, my family saw right through me and knew something wasn’t right. So, I gave in and told them what was going on. It went surprisingly well and I started feeling a lot better. The weight I carried on my shoulders went away as I spent more and more time with the people I loved. I realized that all I really needed was a break. The holidays spent with my family brought me the happiness that I was missing. But although I enjoyed my time at home, I found myself excited to come back to school. I was ready to start fresh.

We have just finished the first week of the new semester, and I must say that I am really liking all my classes so far. My schedule is a lot more hectic this time around, but I think I can handle it. Reina is back! No more funks for me! šŸ™‚
I know that college can get tough at times, and many people manage stress differently, but I know now that you shouldn’t hesitate to ask for help when you’re feeling down. I found comfort with my family and friends, but I learned that there are even people here in school that are willing to give a hand. There are counselors you can talk to and people you can trust. Just remember to never give up on yourself. You’re more special than you think.


I’m not much of a texter. In fact, I prefer not to text at all. I actually hate it and refuse to do it. But I do occasionally respond to the messages I receive. Depends on my mood. But to avoid any feelings fromĀ getting hurt, I just advise people not to text me.

Seriously. Don’t text me.

Especially if you’re just texting me because you’re bored. I will not help you with that.

In fact, I will probably bore you even more. And if I feel like the conversation is going nowhere, I will simply stop responding. It’s either that or a textĀ saying “Hey, I don’t feel like talking” but I recently found out that people don’t like that very much either.

I can never win. >:/

I think I was born in the wrong generation. What happened to writing letters? What happened toĀ being able to writeĀ more than 160 characters? None of this “LOL” and “OMG” crap.

Technology. Gotta’ love it.


On a bright note, it’s Homecoming week! Yey! šŸ™‚


I’m havingĀ major problems! And I mean MAJOR, as in my English major. For a while now, I’ve been contemplating on whether I want to keep pursing English or not. Its a really tough decision for me because the biggest thing that attracted me to Iowa was its AMAZING Writer’s Workshop. I came to Iowa wanting to write and wanting to pursue this great passion of mine, which is why I majored in English. I also majored in Cinema because I was aiming for screenwriting more than any other type of writing. So I thought English and Cinema wouldĀ make a pretty great combo for double majoring.

But I did not expect to like Cinema so much! In fact, IĀ couldn’t believe how much I liked Cinema more than English! I was hooked after my very first film class! So much that now I don’t want to just do screenwriting…I want to do the WHOLE DARN THING! The producing, the directing, the editing, EVERYTHING!! I am so determined to learn everything about this industry and pursue a career in it! And I know that making it to Hollywood seems like a pretty impossible dream…and many people wouldn’t have much faith in me…but I can’t let that stop me from trying! So I’m going to give it my all and hopefully it’ll pay off in the end.

I was also looking into Communication StudiesĀ because I thinkĀ it would go along great with my Cinema major. I feel likeĀ it would help lead me to the places I want to go! I just don’t feel the same way with English. šŸ™ I talked to my TRIO coordinator about all this today and she really helped me out and referred me to the Career CenterĀ (Thanks, Brooke)! So I hope to find all my answers soon!

Oh, and I also hope that the English department doesn’t end up hating me! šŸ˜®

Study Abroad?!

Look at all the goods I got from the Study Abroad Fair! I’m really happy I went! I learned a lot and I have decided that I will DEFINITELY study abroad some time next year! Most likely in the summer! And I have my eye on Costa Rica! You know why? Two words! SEA TURTLES! <3

Computer Nerd! :)

Okay, I know many may not care, but I just got done with my second lab for Principles of Computing and I feel awesome! Even though it still took me a long time to finish, I think I’m getting the hang of it! This week we had to make a web page about our pets. I don’t have a pet, so I decided to be a little creative.

Why don’t you take a look! šŸ™‚

It’s nothing fancy, but I’m pretty darn proud of myself!



Who hasĀ been up all night finishing her first lab for Principles of Computing? Yup, this girl right here! I feel like such a dummy because it took me foreverrrr to get it done even though it wasĀ supposed to beĀ quite simple. I am just nooo good when it comes to computers…so maybe it’s a good thing that I’m in this class.

It literally took me 7 hours to do this simple little webpage:


Lameeee, I know. šŸ™

Week 2 of the new semester is kicking my butt! I already dropped one class because I wasĀ starting to feelĀ overwhelmed. My schedule was becoming too much for me with school and work. I just can’t seem to juggle so many things at once. I don’t know how other people do it! Take my fellow blogger Kyra for example…that girl has soooo much going on! I do not know where she get’s all that energy from! Hehe…that rhymed…but that’s not the point! The point is that I want to do sooo much, but I just suck at taking on too many tasks, which is why I envy Kyra sooo much because she seems to be really good at it! Ah! Kyra! Help meee!! Pleeease!

I really want to get involved more this year and participate in all sorts of activities. I’m already thinking about joining Scuba Club and ALMA (Association of Latinos Moving Ahead). Ooh, and Dance Marathon too!

Hmm…we’ll see what happens. šŸ™‚