After the first year of college away from home, a summer full of old friends, family, some fun in the sun was definitely needed! But now, summer has come to an end and it is now time to get back into gear! That’s right! It’s that time again! Back to school we go! And this time, I’m returning as a sophomore! Woot woot! 🙂
I’ll be moving in this Saturday and I can’t wait! This year I’ll still be living on campus, but instead of living in a single at Quad like last year, I’ll be at Mayflower with three of my suitemates. I’m excited and also very nervous to be sharing a room with three other girls, but luckily these girls are friends from last year. So I’m hoping that this year will be awesome and better than the last!
My classes are pretty sweet this semester and I’m really looking forward to them…well except for Principles of Computing…that doesn’t sound too much fun. But other than that I’m taking Mexican American History, Intro to Film Analysis, Taller Basico de Escritura Creativa (Spanish Creative Writing), and Screenwriting. 🙂 I really really really hope that I do well in all of them! Especially in my writing classes! I’m really having doubts about my English major, so before I do anything drastic, I’m hoping that these writing classes can remind me why I love writing in the first place!! I’m going to be writing like craaaaaazy this semester! I’m very excited! Oh, and I also got a job at the River Room Cafe at the IMU! I’m pretty stoked for that too! One thing for sure, it’s going to be a pretty busy year! Like I’ve said so many times before, I’M READY!!
But in the mean time, I have just a few days left of summer vacation, and I’m going to be spending them packing! I’m sooo ready for summer AND this hot weather to be over already! I’m ready for nice chilly autumn (or fall…whatever you wanna call it!)
I’m counting the days! Iowa City, here we go again!! 🙂