Ahhh! Yes! Heck yes! Its finally over! This long and crazy semester is over!! I have completed everything that I needed to complete and now I can relax and enjoy my break in peace without any stress or pressure. I am so relieved to have gotten all my work done and finally feeling like I’m able to breathe. College is really no joke. Its not all just fun and games and I have surely realized it my first semester. I have learned a lot in just the four months that I have been here, not just in school but about myself as well. I feel like I have grown into a better person and I am happy with where my life is going right now. This semester was only the beginning and I still have many semesters of hardcore studying and essay writing to do. But I can confidently say, bring it on ’cause I’M READY! đ
For now however, I’ll be waiting peacefully for winter break in my sweet hometown, Omaha, Nebraska. đ <3 I hope everyone enjoys their break too and HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO EVERYONE! đ