Ahhh! Yes! Heck yes! Its finally over! This long and crazy semester is over!! I have completed everything that I needed to complete and now I can relax and enjoy my break in peace without any stress or pressure. I am so relieved to have gotten all my work done and finally feeling like I’m able to breathe. College is really no joke. Its not all just fun and games and I have surely realized it my first semester. I have learned a lot in just the four months that I have been here, not just in school but about myself as well. I feel like I have grown into a better person and I am happy with where my life is going right now. This semester was only the beginning and I still have many semesters of hardcore studying and essay writing to do. But I can confidently say, bring it on ’cause I’M READY! 😉

For now however, I’ll be waiting peacefully for winter break in my sweet hometown, Omaha, Nebraska. 🙂 <3 I hope everyone enjoys their break too and HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO EVERYONE! 🙂

Finals Week! :-o

Wow! Its now December and finals are already next week! It’s crazy around here right now. Everyone is in like “study mode”! The libraries and lounges are always full, and I’ve never seen so many kids study in my life! Its kind of intimidating, I’m not going to lie. Seeing all these people worrying about finals makes me worry too even though I only have one final. But because I only have one final I definitely want to do well in it, so I’ve been working really REALLY hard lately. The past few weeks have been very stressful and hectic. But I’m glad that classes are now over and that winter break is just around the corner after finals.

I’m looking forward to going back home. Thanksgiving break went well, but it felt really strange to be back home after being gone for three months because everyone felt the need to spoil me. Haha. That was definitely something new, but I enjoyed my time there and I’m glad that I’ll be able to stay a little longer for winter break. In the meantime however, I’m going to study like I’ve never studied before and show that exam who’s boss! >:)

Oh by the way, I’ve been meaning to post the video of my first Iowa football game! It was amazing! Not only did we kill Michigan State, but everyone rushed into the field and celebrated after the win! It was intense! The best part was that I got to touch RICKY STANZI!!! 🙂 <3 What a cutie!!! Hehe


Oh and I also had the best Halloween costume ever! Me and my friend Ai-Chi decided to be cheese! Haha. That was my idea by the way. 😉

Our homemade cheese costumes! 🙂

Uh oh, we had homework?!!!

We have been in school for almost four weeks now and I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m barely getting use to doing homework! Well…apparently I’ve been assigned homework since the second week of school and I barely found out about it this week, which is NOT GOOD!! I’ve watched my friends work on homework these past few weeks and I simply thought I was lucky that I didn’t have work to do yet! No homework for me, life is good! Boy, was I dead wrong! But its not like no one told me, I mean my class syllabus stated it perfectly clear…all I had to do was look at it! Ahh!! Now I have to play catch-up, which is not fun. 🙁 So just a few words of advice to any future Hawkeyes…class syllabuses are your friends! Use them!

P.S. My time here has been great despite the whole homework issue thing. I’m finally getting use to this whole college life and I think I’m going to be  just fine. I’ve attended a few events on campus and I’ve really enjoyed myself, especially in the recent HelloGoodbye concert last Friday (There was a girl who was in front of me and she was dancing REALLY REALLY funny! Haha…but that’s another story for another time!) 🙂

Just a Brown Dot Part ll

I have the tendency of putting everything off to the last minute (which is probably really bad now that I’m in college) so it was no surprise to my parents that I had planned my orientation date to a day before move in day (not the best idea, by the way). It was decided that I was to move in the same day of my orientation so we wouldn’t have to drive back again the next day (we live four hours away and my parents hate wasting gas).

The campus was beautiful; the buildings, the parks, even the people. It was like walking into a movie where the actors and actresses play college students. They walked the streets knowing precisely where they were heading, while my family and I got lost a number of times and had to look in a map. Could we look any less like tourists or what?! Luckily, there were many friendly people who helped us out. “Iowa people are really nice!” I thought.

Soon after a long day of orientation and getting settled into my dorm, it was then that I realized that this was it. As soon as I closed the door on my family to leave, I realized that I was really alone now. No parents. No siblings. No friends. I was alone in a new town where I did not know a single soul (I didn’t even have a roommate). What the heck did I get myself into? All the excitement I once felt was overwhelmed with fear and doubt. I wanted to go back to that “comfort zone” because I knew I would feel safe, but it was too late to turn back now. This was college. This was the real deal. This was how life was going to be for a long, long, LONG time. It hit me so hard that all I wanted to do was cry…