Guess who’s all moved in?! That’s right, meeee!! I was surprised that Move-In day was not as hectic as it was last year. Everything went a lot smoother and we finished moving in quickly. Before I knew it, I was saying farewell to my family. And even though it’s my second year, it was still very tough saying goodbye to them. Yes, I’ll admit that I was crying like a baby…maybe more so than last year! But I’ll see them again soon, and until then I’m going to enjoy my time back in Iowa City. 🙂

I didn’t do much on my first day in Iowa because I was soo worn out from moving in that I called it a day early. That was kind of boring. But today I went to the President’s Block Party and got some free food! Woot woot! I wasn’t too thrilled about the long lines though. >:( I also felt kind of odd knowing that I wasn’t a freshman anymore. I sort of miss that feeling. But ooooh well. :/

Well anyways, I can’t wait for Welcome Week starting tomorrow! It’s my favorite time of the year! There’s always people giving you free stuff around town and who doesn’t want cool free stuff?! Ahhhh! I can’t wait! 🙂

Here we go again! :)

After the first year of college away from home, a summer full of old friends, family, some fun in the sun was definitely needed! But now, summer has come to an end and it is now time to get back into gear! That’s right! It’s that time again! Back to school we go! And this time, I’m returning as a sophomore! Woot woot! 🙂

I’ll be moving in this Saturday and I can’t wait! This year I’ll still be living on campus, but instead of living in a single at Quad like last year, I’ll be at Mayflower with three of my suitemates. I’m excited and also very nervous to be sharing a room with three other girls, but luckily these girls are friends from last year. So I’m hoping that this year will be awesome and better than the last!

My classes are pretty sweet this semester and I’m really looking forward to them…well except for Principles of Computing…that doesn’t sound too much fun. But other than that I’m taking Mexican American History, Intro to Film Analysis, Taller Basico de Escritura Creativa (Spanish Creative Writing), and Screenwriting. 🙂 I really really really hope that I do well in all of them! Especially in my writing classes! I’m really having doubts about my English major, so before I do anything drastic, I’m hoping that these writing classes can remind me why I love writing in the first place!! I’m going to be writing like craaaaaazy this semester! I’m very excited! Oh, and I also got a job at the River Room Cafe at the IMU! I’m pretty stoked for that too! One thing for sure, it’s going to be a pretty busy year! Like I’ve said so many times before, I’M READY!!

But in the mean time, I have just a few days left of summer vacation, and I’m going to be spending them packing! I’m sooo ready for summer AND this hot weather to be over already! I’m ready for nice chilly autumn (or fall…whatever you wanna call it!)

I’m counting the days! Iowa City, here we go again!! 🙂

Summerrrr!! :)

Soooo it’s finally summer vacation and I’m super happy! I’ve been in Omaha for three weeks now and it feels great to be home! I’ve been having an awesome time and I’m loving every second of it! 🙂

Finals went well and my grades weren’t bad either, although I wish I would have done better in a few classes. I’m really getting sick of C’s. >:/ Back in high school, I was pretty much an A and B student…very little C’s… and I’m guilty of getting two D’s. I was not perfect, but overall I was a very good student with no need to study at all. But once I got to college…I got a huge reality check! There is no way you can pass a class without studying! It’s just impossible! Unless you’re some sort of super genius with a photographic memory, you’re going to bomb a class if you do not study! Plain and simple! Yes, I know studying doesn’t sound fun, but that’s just part of the college life. You can have fun and enjoy yourself, but you also have responsibilities to deal with.

It amazes me that I’ve already completed my first year of college. Around this time last year, I graduated from high school and began a new journey. It was an exciting time and I do miss those days. I also kind of envy the class of 2011 because they are now going through the same thing. I’m happy for them and I wish them the best because the next step in their life has begun. So congratulations class of 2011 and welcome class of 2015! 🙂

You’ll soon experience the college life first hand and I hope you’re excited! 🙂

Let’s do this!

Another week down, two more to go! It’s going to get hectic around here with everyone being in STUDY MODE, and it’s not going to be pretty. There’s going to be lots of books and lots and lots of CAFFEINE! But you know what? We got this! Just two more weeks of hard work and then we get to enjoy three months of summer! We can do it!

I’m ready! Two weeks. Two finals. Bring it on. >: )

Help meeeeee!

You want to know what’s just as stressful as studying for classes?
Registering for them!

I mean, there are just sooooo many you can choose from! It’s crazy! I’m one of the few lucky people that get to register on the first day, which is tomorrow. The good thing about that is that I basically get to choose any class I want and not worry about classes being full. But the downside is I don’t know what classes to take! I want to take sooo many of them, but I don’t want to overwhelm myself. And to add to my frustration, I’m having doubts on whether I want to change majors or not. 🙁

Right now I’m double majoring in English and Cinema, but it feels like I’m leaning towards Cinema more and English just doesn’t seem to grab my attention like it used to. I feel crappy because I came to Iowa wanting to write…but now as I’m approaching the end of my first year of college, I don’t know if that’s what I want anymore. I’m sure many will tell me that I still have a lot of time to decide on what area I want to focus on, but I can’t help but feel like time is actually slipping away and soon it’ll be too late. 🙁

I guess I just need to talk to my advisor and explore my options. :/

216 Hours Before Spring Break…

-Prepare for and write two in-class essays
-Study for Quest for Human Destiny midterm
-Study HARDCORE for Modes for Film/Video Production midterm
-Study for Human Origins quiz
-Organize Spanish portfolio
-Record/Edit soundscape project for Modes
-Write a 10-15 pg script for Playwriting
-Write a 3 pg script to workshop for Playwriting
-Write screenplay for Modes
-Read a novel for Quest

…It’s going to be a bumpy ride. 🙁

Poop. :/


Boy, was I right when I said this was going to be a busier semester. :/
These past few weeks have been intense and Spring Break sounds pretty good right now. But first I have to face the dreaded MIDTERMS…again! Ugh! I have two exams and three huge projects to get done in three weeks…I would not be surprised if I sleep all through Spring Break after all these all-nighters I’m going to have. >:/ Coffee doesn’t seem to do the trick anymore so I’ve moved up to energy drinks…boy, those can really get your heart pumpin’.

I haven’t been in the greatest moods this week either…first of all, I got sick for the first time since I’ve been in school. I caught a nasty cold! It was sooo bad that I looked like a zombie all week!  But instead of staying in bed now, I have to study for my midterm on Monday. Second of all, I must be some sort of jinx this week because I got on the wrong bus, fell on ice, overslept and missed a lecture, AND forgot to turn in my camera for my Modes class so now I’m going to fined like crazy!  Ahhh!!! This just hasn’t been one of my greatest weeks. 🙁

Hopefully I can get through the next few weeks without losing my mind. 🙁

A New Semester…

Well, Winter Break is over now. Is it me or did it go by faster than I thought it would? Hmm… I don’t know but I’m looking forward to this new semester. The first week went by pretty well… so far I like all my classes, but I am beyond intimidated. I can already tell that this semester is going to require a lot more work. It’s starting to feel like I had it easier last semester… and if I had a hard time last semester then that will not compare to what is ahead this semester. So I am definitely nervous. :/ But I feel like I am better prepared now and I’ll be able to get through it. Sure, it’s going to take a lot more effort…but I got this! 🙂

This semester I am taking Human Origins (which I’ve heard is either really easy or really hard), Play writing (which is my looooongest class this semester), Spanish (which is not as easy as I thought it would be), Modes of Film and Video Production (which is my favorite right now), oh, and Quest for Human Destiny with the famous Professor Holstein (which is going awesome so far, he is the best). I feel like its going to be a looooong semester…but a good one at that. So let’s do this! 🙂


Ahhh! Yes! Heck yes! Its finally over! This long and crazy semester is over!! I have completed everything that I needed to complete and now I can relax and enjoy my break in peace without any stress or pressure. I am so relieved to have gotten all my work done and finally feeling like I’m able to breathe. College is really no joke. Its not all just fun and games and I have surely realized it my first semester. I have learned a lot in just the four months that I have been here, not just in school but about myself as well. I feel like I have grown into a better person and I am happy with where my life is going right now. This semester was only the beginning and I still have many semesters of hardcore studying and essay writing to do. But I can confidently say, bring it on ’cause I’M READY! 😉

For now however, I’ll be waiting peacefully for winter break in my sweet hometown, Omaha, Nebraska. 🙂 <3 I hope everyone enjoys their break too and HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO EVERYONE! 🙂

Finals Week! :-o

Wow! Its now December and finals are already next week! It’s crazy around here right now. Everyone is in like “study mode”! The libraries and lounges are always full, and I’ve never seen so many kids study in my life! Its kind of intimidating, I’m not going to lie. Seeing all these people worrying about finals makes me worry too even though I only have one final. But because I only have one final I definitely want to do well in it, so I’ve been working really REALLY hard lately. The past few weeks have been very stressful and hectic. But I’m glad that classes are now over and that winter break is just around the corner after finals.

I’m looking forward to going back home. Thanksgiving break went well, but it felt really strange to be back home after being gone for three months because everyone felt the need to spoil me. Haha. That was definitely something new, but I enjoyed my time there and I’m glad that I’ll be able to stay a little longer for winter break. In the meantime however, I’m going to study like I’ve never studied before and show that exam who’s boss! >:)

Oh by the way, I’ve been meaning to post the video of my first Iowa football game! It was amazing! Not only did we kill Michigan State, but everyone rushed into the field and celebrated after the win! It was intense! The best part was that I got to touch RICKY STANZI!!! 🙂 <3 What a cutie!!! Hehe


Oh and I also had the best Halloween costume ever! Me and my friend Ai-Chi decided to be cheese! Haha. That was my idea by the way. 😉

Our homemade cheese costumes! 🙂