Spring Has Come
We are finally in springtime, my third favorite season. It’s getting warming, which means we are getting out of our seasonal depression funk. This is one of the more exciting times for me to be able to look forward to. Mostly because were are almost done with the semester, warmer weather, and getting through the first year of college. This has been a fantastic year and semester so far, and the warm weather gives me a reason to keep going and finish the semester intensely as more outdoor activities are also happening. So in this post, I wanna talk about spring activities, prepping for finals, and how to stay positive during these stressful times.
Spring Activities
Sitting or Sleeping On The Pentacrest
Once the weather starts getting better, that means getting outside to enjoy the weather. One of the things I did during the fall semester was sitting or sleeping on the Pentacrest. Either on the east or west side. Mainly because of the nice breeze, the sunlight, and the multiple activities to people watch. I’m not an outside type of person, but I like to admire nature and the people within Iowa City. If it is nice, I like to bring a book or homework to work on. Sometimes I’ll bring food to snack on or get coffee from one of the many coffee shops around campus. I’ll sometimes sleep on the Pentacrest but not for very long because there are many things around downtown Iowa City. Even though it may seem cliche to have your main character moment when spring is coming, take it because we all deserve it. I’ll tell you, it’s so relaxing to just watch the world go by and see nature in general. So definitely go on the Pentacrest once it gets warmer.
Take A Walk
If you’re like me and can’t get to the gym all the time, then take time to walk around campus or downtown Iowa City. Even if it’s just after class to clear your head, it will help. Once it started getting warmer, I started walking around after I was done with classes. Sometimes if some of my friends aren’t busy, we’ll go on walks together. Mainly because we all have different schedules, so we try and spend as much time together as we can. If I’m feeling anxious, I grab my purse and earbuds and start walking around different places on the east or west side of campus. Mostly to just get out of the school air because it can be very stuffy at some points. Even if you work out most of the week, exercising while looking at the campus is still fun. I highly recommend that you guys walk around campus and downtown Iowa City.
Picnics On The Pentacrest
During OnIowa week, my friends and I would sometimes go grab something to eat and gather around on the Pentacrest. It’s fun grabbing some sodas or eating some cookies with your friends. Recently a couple of my friends and I had a mini picnic. When the weather is nice and warm, it makes it easier to eat outside in the warmth. So have a picnic with your friends because they are your chosen family.
Events Downtown
There are going to be several events going on in the downtown area of the city. Especially in the outside regions because of the nice weather. I know that I keep saying this but go and enjoy the nice weather because then the humidity will go up, and then it won’t be fun anymore. The farmers market will start soon, so you can get healthy foods. Street performers will start back up as well. Plus, everything will be much more lively around the shops and restaurants. This also gives you and your friends an excuse to go shopping and enjoy campus before the end of the year. So enjoy the events downtown along with the nice weather.
Melting Away The Seasonal Depression
Spring is my third favorite season, after summer, because the weather is getting so warm. Once the weather gets nicer, my seasonal depression is no longer there. Mainly because the sun is warming me up, I can freely walk around without fearing freezing my butt off. During the start of the semester, it’s cold, and you can’t really do much outside, but once it gets into the 50s through the 70s, that means it’s time to go outside. For me, at least, my seasonal depression starts to melt away when I don’t have to wear layers to be comforting. Even if you are still feeling down in the dumps, doing some simple activities can turn your whole mode around. I know it does for me. I understand how it can be challenging to get out of that mind state, but if you simply do self-care acts for yourself, you can have a great spring and end the semester strong.
Closing Thoughts
Once it started getting warmer, I started feeling so much better. Going on walks, sitting on the Pentacrest, and having picnics with friends. These may seem like simple things to do, but they really help. Going downtown to see the activities happening always will help you a lot. The warmer weather and getting out more can help you so much and not get you in a funk before you finish the semester. I know that I will be taking care of myself a lot in these upcoming weeks so I can finish strong. Thanks again for reading this post; I hope you all have a fantastic day, week, month, and year!