Okay everyone, this year is flying by so quickly! It feels like just last week that I posted about my first exams, and now I’ve already completed round two! I am really, really loving my college experience so far. Sure, I’m a little bit homesick. Sure, I miss my friends at home, but I wouldn’t give up this experience for anything.
To kick off the fall season, my roommate and I decided to redecorate our room! We’ve got some SWEET glow in the dark ghosts on our mirrors and a bunch of Christmas lights lining the walls! Also, we’ve changed the scent in our candle warmer to apple pie, which I’m seriously diggin’. Our room is really becoming more of a home than it was before.
Also, while we’re on the subject of roommates, I feel like I got very lucky with mine. We get along great! There have been no disagreements at all. I hope that everyone is having as good of a roommate experience as I am!
My mom also keeps on sending me those care packages, and there are no complaints here! I was desperately low on junk food, so good thing the bottom of the box was lined with smarties! The most hilarious care package was probably the one that only had two things in it: hot rollers for my hair (you know, for that princess look!) and the Goofy Movie.
Basically, college is awesome. And, even though it doesn’t have any mountains, I am really enjoying living in Iowa so far. (The 80 degree weather in October may or may not have a little something to do with it.)