Dorm life, so far, is awesome. I didn’t really realize what a big part of my life it would be. I thought that the dorm was somewhere where you ate and slept, and then left and did things elsewhere for the remainder of your free time. Actually, there are really cool things to do in the dorms! There are always events going on if you’re looking for something to do. For example, a little while ago a bunch of us in Burge went down and made caramel apples!

But that’s not all it’s about. It is very important to have a group of people that are consistent in your life. The first few months are so crazy and hectic, that seeing a person from your floor on the street reminds you that everything isn’t scary. You do know people here. Because I’m from out of state and didn’t know anybody when I got here, I think it’s really important that I’ve made those connections.
I am so very proud of you and all that you have accomplished this year!!