LGBT at Iowa
As someone who was raised believing that individualism was to be praised, I always supported what other people deemed “different.” It didn’t matter to me if you listened to Hardcore Screamo, refused to wear jeans, or liked the same sex. So when I see schools go the extra mile to make their students feel accepted, it not only makes me extremely happy, but it also makes me want to share it. Not only to spread the smiles, but to let those people in need of an accepting environment know that it exists.
After noting the transgender option on Iowa’s applications (as opposed to the standard male or female only option) I decided I’d start the year off with a seminar called LGBT Media Representation, taught by Jeffrey Bennett, and it was very eye opening in terms of stereotypes, the media, and our daily lives. We were quick to open up to each other, as was our teacher, and I like to think we made a lot of progress. Our final projects reflected real care and admiration for the LGBT struggle.
Obama’s visit and the recent political buzz as elections grow close reveal that even the republicans are pro the “Legalize Love” campaign.
Then, on October 19, the university hosted a performance of It Gets Better, based on stories from the nationally known It Gets Better Project that launched on the internet a couple years ago. It has inspired many youth to stand up for themselves and be proud of who they are despite home problems and bullying. I laughed, I listened, and I cried. It was very moving to see the show, but also to see the audience. Many students turned out along with their friends, as well as many adults from the area.
Check out the video to see the opening number:
The University of Iowa also has an LGBT house where you can go study, hang out, ask questions, and just get to know new people. I don’t think I’ve ever been in a place more supportive of the community. And that’s hard to come across, especially when dealing with such a large number of people, but we always knew it was possible. And here, it really is.
Congratulations to the cast and to the students who volunteered to sing in that beautiful rendition of “More Friends Than You Know.” And thank you to the students, faculty, and residents of Iowa City for showing how much you care.
Let’s hope you’re as approving of our Halloween costumes! 😛