

Hey Iowa City!

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I’m finally in Iowa City after a 6 hour car ride, with one broken lamp, 3 bathroom breaks, and one jam packed car. As my family and I pulled up to Burge, the street was lined with anxious students with stuffed cars, including mine. Moving in was super quick, but it was the decorating and organizing my room that took a while.  But after much effort, my dorm room is starting to look like home! I still need to set up a few more things (bookshelf and some more photos of friends and family back home in IN,) but those will be up shortly!

it's pretty good for a college dorm!

There is literally sooo much to do in Iowa City and  on campus the next couple of days! My roommate, AJ and I have been exploring all around town. Oh and by the way, isn’t it ironic my roommate and I both have boy names!! Anyways,  I am planning on taking a yoga  or hip hop class before ONIOWA actually begins on Friday afternoon. I already have things to do filled out on my planner…ice cream social with all the dance majors, check-in meetings, and a floor meeting! This will be a great fun-filled weekend leading up to classes next week! It is going to be a good year at University of Iowa!

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