As the largest class paraded over to Kinnick stadium, it looked as if all the sidewalks were flooded with a yellow sea of excited freshmen. I was pumped to take my first steps into Kinnick Stadium, and we even got to hang out on the field while meeting the rest of the class of 2015!

Class of 2015 marching over to Kinnick for a long night of dancing, fireworks, and public speakers! Kinnick Stadium! And we ended the night with fireworks shooting off with the Iowa fight song as background music!
So to say the least I have been so busy this weekend…The White Panda concert on Saturday night was insane, but in a good way! My entire floor, which consists mostly of dance majors, met at 9:30 in the hallway and then we walked over to the park next to the IMU. Once we got there we decked ourselves out in glow sticks. Kids were walking around with their entire body glowing, so once the concert began the whole park was lit up! We danced the night away and definitely represented all the dancers out there! It was a great way to start off my weekend at University of Iowa, and I am looking forward towards many more exciting days here!