I don’t have a dishwasher, and I hate washing dishes.
It has been a good two weeks since I have done dishes last. After I use a plate or utensil, I just leave it on the top of my dresser. I let it sit there until I have no choice because I have nothing else to eat with, and then I am forced to do my dishes. This was a record though, I literally had no bowls, utensils (forks, spoons, AND knives), or cups left. Everyday this week I have been putting it off, but yesterday I finally did them. It took me over thirty minutes!!!
Anyway the rest of my weekend was great! Thursday I walked over to the Theater building to go see the theater department perform their first main stream production of the year, Stick Fly. It was so good, I was really impressed! Friday night I went to Space Place Theater to watch the Dance Alumni Concert. It was really neat because this week at dance, alums have been teaching our classes at Halsey. It was inspiring because we got to work with past students just like us who are now dancing in professional companies in St. Louis, Chicago, and New York. So this past weekend, they all performed themselves or had their personal dance company perform. It was an interesting show with a lot of variety, and the best part was that it was FREE!!! The rest of the weekend has been devoted to practicing my speech for rhetoric class which has to be 6 to 8 minutes…As of right now my speech is exactly 7 minutes and 57 seconds…But I have a lot more practicing to do!!