

Bring on Second Semester!

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My winter break was everything I could ask for… a lot of nothing. I basically laid around for four weeks straight with the exception of a dance class or a treadmill run. It was great to be home with my entire family for the first time since August! But I am ready to go back to school, so bring on the freezing Iowa weather because I will be back in Burge tomorrow! I am spending my last day in Indiana packing, because of course I left everything to the last minute. I probably have twice as much stuff than I did coming home for break with a few new necessary items that definitely need to come back to Iowa City with me… a Nerf gun that Santa brought me for Christmas, an original spice girls t-shirt that I found in my attic from when the group went on tour that still fits me from about 3rd grade, an “I LOVE LONDON” mug that my sister got me for Christmas from her semester long study abroad that I am oh-so jealous about, a fresh pair of contacts to replace my pair of glasses so now I will be able to see the beautiful snowy campus, and a huge jar of trail-mix that will hopefully last me more than a week! I can’t wait to see all my friends, and I am even looking forward to start my new classes on Tuesday! I hope everyone has a great and successful second semester!!!

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