It is good to be back, despite the terrible heat and lack of air conditioning in my apartment and in Halsey Hall (dance department building). When I am not constantly sweaty, I am enjoying every second of my sophomore year. I guess that is just the perks of being a dance major… But seriously, I missed Iowa City! This year I moved into a cute little apartment with my two best friends, who are also dance majors! The decorating is going pretty well, and it is already feeling like my home. Considering this is most likely where I will be living for the next 3 years until I graduate, I am so happy. I love the place and my roomies!
My two first weeks of my sophomore year have involved a lot of dancing, catching up with all my friends, and homework. I already have my first Anatomy exam on Tuesday …ahh! So this semester is definitely going to keep me on my toes. With 17 credit hours, plus rehearsal I will be quite the busy girl. Even though I am loving not being a freshmen, me and room mates had to crash the Smash Bros concert in Hubbard Park the first weekend. We headed over there in our gym shorts and sneakers, and we were ready to bust of move. Naturally, being dance majors, we made quite a spectacle. We love any excuse to break out a few of our favorite moves!
I am looking forward to this heat going away, so I can break out the boots, sweaters, and scarves. Fall will be here before I know it 🙂 And did I mention I am SO excited for the first home football game Saturday! Let’s hope this is another great year at Iowa!!