Snaps for me
You are now looking at a Journalism major and a dance major! Yep, I heard back from the journalism school last week, and I am now an official double major. What does this mean… I will have twice as many classes, experiences and stress in both dance and journalism. Though it is a little overwhelming right now, thinking about everything that needs to get done by the spring of 2016, but I cannot wait to delve right into this new aspect of my education.
When I am not thinking about journalism, my mind and especially my heart is hanging out at Halsey Hall getting ready for the Dance Gala (less than 3 weeks until opening night). Rehearsals are getting pretty crazy, and we are just putting some final touches on the dances. The month of October is a crazy one… Between Dance Gala, midterms, my family coming to visit and my 19th birthday! So needless to say… pick up your tickets now for an amazing show by the department of dance at the University of Iowa!
here is the link (Check it out :))—> http://arts.uiowa.edu/dance-gala-2012