Hawkeye Pride
Being home for winter break has proven to me just how much I love my school. Because I live all the way in Indiana, going home is a little different for me than a lot of students at Iowa. I go home and I am fully surrounded by Hoosiers. Everywhere I look I see Indiana University, Purdue University, and Notre Dame attire, signs, and tweets about the beloved home state schools. I mean, I am sure they are great schools, but I realized absolutely nothing can compare to the University of Iowa. All my friends in Indiana just don’t understand how great my school really is, and the stories I share with them just don’t seem to give the school full justice.
This past weekend, my family and I went up to Notre Dame to watch the women’s Fighting Irish kick butt in their basketball game. The game was a pretty easy win, and the campus was quite impressive. It only got me more ready to go back to school and bring my Hawkeye pride with me! Needless to say, I am quite excited to get back on campus this Thursday and ready to start my spring semester classes and dance rehearsals! It has been a great 5 weeks of break: lots of working, sleeping, and some dancing. I was able to catch up with old friends and spend quality time with my family and pups. I am already planning out my summer break, and hoping to have an exciting couple of months ahead of me!