It’s that time of year
Being a dance major, my blog posts usually consists of me going on and on about how much I love dance and UIowa’s department of dance. Well, luckily enough I am planning on doing some more shameless self-promotion. Now that this has been cleared up, let’s move on…
October. Week 8 of the semester. Students are cramming in study sessions at the new library for their midterms. Papers are being written with just enough time for a quick spell check. And the countdown to the three day Halloween party begins. Unless of course you happen to be a dance major.
Dance Gala‘s opening night is five days away. Dress rehearsals are happening. Costumes, makeup, lighting and music are being tweaked as final edits are being made to be performance ready.
Dance Gala is a two weekend performance in Space Place Theater in the basement of North Hall. I will be dancing in it, as well as many other talented ladies and gents. This year we were fortunate to work with two different traveling guest choreographers.
I love the show this year. I was able to watch a run through of it on Thursday. Every piece offered something new to the audience, and it was extremely captivating. It will be even more exciting to see it will full costumes and lighting.
So come watch some crazy good dancers and take a load off after all the stress of midterms.