

Time Flies

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It is crazy to believe that I have finished my first semester already!! When talking with my friends about the  semester we all seemed to agree that time flies way too fast in college! With the New Year coming up I decided it would be a good idea to make goals for next semester.

  1. Sleep Comes First! (when it can): I came home with a terrible cold because I was not taking care of myself in college 🙁
  2. Utilize my TA’s: Teacher Assistants are an amazing asset. I started talking to mine in November and realized how helpful they can be however it was a tad to late.
  3. Form Study Groups: College is different than High school in the sense that you might not know a single person in your class, which can be tricky. Just make an effort to talk to new people. It will come in handy if you have questions or want a study group.
  4. Take Nothing for Granted: Time truly does fly so just take in every moment while you I can.

Go Hawks

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