Community lashes out against protest

I’m not sure if this is the case at other universities, but there seems to be a growing trend at Iowa of politically ignorant people masquerading as well-informed party members. This is something I’ve noticed throughout the year, but this week, all of Iowa’s most loud-mouthed, intolerant students are “coming out” and the tension they’re causing can be seen throughout the university.

I have no problem with anyone’s views so long as they are their own. Though I may disagree, I believe that everyone is entitled to come to their own conclusions and form their own opinions. What drives me insane is listening to the same BS I hear from the most politically extreme t.v. and radio show hosts repeated verbatim by classmates who have no idea what they’re saying. I can’t stand listening to rants from people who have never heard, let alone considered an opposing point of view. This happens on both sides of the political spectrum and I can’t stand any of it. I don’t stay very well caught up on current issues, so I usually keep my mouth shut.

When I heard someone walking down my hall yesterday holding a paper say “F****** liberals…” a phrase I hear often, I grabbed a copy of the Daily Iowan to see what the problem was. The first headline I read was “F-word email sparks spat.” The article explained how Ellen Lewin, a professor of anthropology and women’s studies, was being condemned for sending an angry email to the College Republican’s Club in response to a controversial lineup of activities collectively known as “Conservatives Coming Out Week.” I can’t deny that her email lacked the professionalism that I would hope to see from a woman in her position, but her anger was far from unreasonable.

“Conservatives Coming Out Week” is made up of events such as an “Animal Rights Barbecue” and “Wear red day: ‘Come out of the closet and show your true colors.'” I have heard that in years past, the week has contained sporting events in which teams were named “The Illegal Immigrants” and “The Border Patrol.” I think it’s obvious why this week could anger any free-thinking individual and I’m personally glad that someone said something.

Just the name of the week is insulting. “Coming Out Week;” as if conservatives are under a level of scrutiny even close to that of the gay community. In case the name of the event wasn’t explicit enough, they wrapped up the week with a day to “come out of the closet.” I find this especially ironic since homophobia is such a conservative trait. That can be seen through history and through current policy. It seems laughable for so many, including even the president of the university, to condemn Lewin as intolerant when the only thing she is speaking out against is intolerance.

I understand that Lewin’s email was not appropriately phrased, but her ideas are clear and they are correct. This “Conservatives Coming Out Week” is ridiculous and hateful. If I didn’t know that it would be censored out, I would wrap up this post by quoting her email.

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