Alarms show our passion

Nothing shows students’ love for Hawkeye Football better than our alarm clocks on Saturday mornings: dials that never see a pre-9:00 setting, programmed at seven or even six a.m.; students who instinctively “snooze” three or four times, leaping out of bed, ready to celebrate. Nothing proves a teenagers love, like a positive response to an early wakeup.

In some rooms, no alarm is needed. For them, a wakeup call comes in the form of a relentless knocker beating on the door and screaming, “Get up! It’s GAME DAY!” On any other day, such an early racket would be received with serious disapproval, (if not violence,) but the looming thrill of Hawkeye Football seems to make it somehow acceptable.

There’s no bad seat in Historic Kinnick Stadium, but when all 70,000 fans finally funnel in, it’s obvious that the student section has the best seats in the house. Filled with thousands of roaring, rowdy, (and often intoxicated) Hawkeyes, the “Hawks’ Nest” is the most vicious, noisy and energizing place to watch an Iowa Football game.

The party doesn’t end in the stadium. For most Hawkeyes, a day that started hours sooner than usual will also finish several hours later, and our alarms clocks, set so early that morning, will lay silent well into the afternoon on Sunday.

Still busy, but still having fun

Wow. It’s been over a week since my last post and though I apologize for the wait, (cause I know you’re all just dying to hear from me,) I think it really goes to show how little time college students have. I feel like I’ve always got million and one things to do, and I’m only doing a million of them. Blogging hasn’t been the only task with which I can’t quite keep up. I have sixteen pages left to read for rhetoric (due four hours ago,) I haven’t worked on a single Calculus problem from the last two sections, and it’s 5:00 pm and I still haven’t brushed my teeth today. Yeah, I’m busy.

Well, I’d say that’s enough complaining for a few weeks. It’s my second week of blogging and I haven’t said a nice thing yet–which is a huge injustice to a topic as awesome as Iowa City. I have found a little time to explore this diverse metropolis of student life, and the more I explore, the more I’m amazed at what is available here. The University of Iowa has so many student organizations, so many jobs, so many parties, and so, so many girls. There is PLENTY to do outside of school work and trust me, I haven’t had a dull moment yet.

I feel like I’ve been writing way too many lists, which I suppose is indicative of how much I have to say and probably means I ought to be posting more frequently. With that said, there is a small event going on at 11:00 am Saturday morning (some sort of sport thing, I think–probably not a big deal.) Anyway, I’ll be signing on sometime Saturday to offer up all the gory details of my first college tailgating experience and my first time ever getting to watch (whatever they’re calling this event) as a Hawkeye student. Stay tuned.

Ain’t no Rest for Students

First impression of college: busy. Between running from class to class, doing homework (on my first day!), exercising, eating two meals, and trying to meet all of my four-point-five-thousand classmates, I’ve had no time to sit down and write.

I meant to post several days ago and this is my first spare moment since. And, in all honesty, this moment isn’t truly spare. I did have this time set aside for Spanish homework, but I think I’ll put that off until later tonight. Hopefully I can find time after I go to the lecture put by the University Lecture Committee, which is after the Greek BBQ, which is after my next class, which is in 25 minutes… maybe I should be doing that Spanish now after all.