Raising money for a student organization, has never been so fun! Members of Students Abolishing Slavery and other volunteers came out to scoop ice cream with SAS! The employees at Coldstone were very nice and showed us the ropes, lets just say I’m nothing short of BIG DEAL when it comes to scoopin’ and mixin’ ice cream on the Coldstone. The most popular mix was the Birthday Cake Remix, I do not eat chocolate, but if I did; I am sure it would be amazing. A percentage of the all the proceeds were donated to SAS and all the tips also were given to the organization.
Me and the girls that I worked with were jammin’ out to the music that was playing on the speaker. I wish I had a video of when the song Circle of Life from the Lion King came on!!! We had such a hay day, dancing around, and attempting to sing the lyrics.
Talk about memories 🙂
Not to mention, that every time we received a tip, we got to sing also Coldstone Remixes to songs!
They tried to make me go to DQ, but I said no, no, no
Yes they have shakes, but when it comes to taste you’ll know, know, know
That they ain’t got it right, and cold stone’s outta sight
Just try and make me go to DQ and I won’t go, go, go