Luckily for me I only have 3 finals.
I had every intention to begin studying for my finals a week before, however, that was really hard for me to do considering the following.
Starbucks Happy Hour
Lets face it… we need our caffeine and we need it CHEAP!

Sleeping Friends
Come to terms with the fact that even your coolest friends can’t hang until 5 am!

Nice Weather
The only thing negative about the beautiful weather at the end of a Spring Semester at college, is the sole fact that it is beautiful weather. Who in their right mind (and this is subject to anyone during finals week!) would want to be inside slaving away at practice problems inside a text book when the sun is shining? Not I! So make a promise to yourself. Say, “Self, You have to study your textbook (not FACEbook) for an hour and a half and then you can go out side and play a game of frisbee or sunbathe” It works. I promise 🙂

Animal Therapy
I am not for sure who came up with the idea to bring dogs into the Main Library and have them available to play with stressed students, but it is absolutely GENIUS! Sadie and Garbo and I became really close! If your school doesn’t bring the dogs to you, go volunteer at an animal shelter for an hour or two.

Mani/ Pedi

Retail Therapy
Not everyone can afford to do this, but it is a really nice break 🙂

You can go out and treat yourself with a couple of your good friends, try to avoid talking about the tests you have around the corner for once and instead talk about your summer plans!
Or if your budget is tight like mine, you can go around campus seeking out all of the free food!

The CAB organization has provided all of the late night studiers an option to have a few minutes of AMAZING with professional masseurs.
If you study in the Iowa Memorial Union (like the rest of the world) it will be easy for you to relax and recuperate with a FREE massage every night of finals week in Hubbard Commons from 9:00pm-midnight. I go every night!
Jacuzzi/Swimming/ Steam Room
Your membership to the the new Recreational Center is included in your tuition. What better time to put your bucks to your benefit?
Earlier this evening a couple of friends (from my dance team!) went to the Rec Center and had about a half hour of jacuzzi time and about 10 minutes in the steam room. We left feeling absolutely amazing and stress free. However, it does make you feel so soothed that you may want to go straight to bed. I highly recommend doing this at the end of your study day and since the hot tub is open from 6am until 10pm you have some time. 🙂
Dress Cute and Comfortable
You feel more confident when you feel well put together. 🙂 Dress for Success!
Lastly, Lastly, Lastly, in the height of all of this…don’t forget to study!
Good Luck!