A Karaoke Night!
Karaoke is said to be a form of entertainment invented by the Japanese (I am not sure if this is true or not, I wouldn’t doubt it though). Unlike what is common back in Iowa and nearby locations, karaoke bars are virtually all over here. I’ve seen about 4 so far and I have not been anywhere close to seeing a fourth of this city. They are extremely common and are just as popular among Japanese businessmen and women as it is with the high school and college students.
The Welcome Party was an event planned by JCMU staff to help us American students make Japanese friends. At the welcome party students from the near by university (Shiga University) met with us, played games, and practiced speaking both of our foreign languages. I met a lot of really cool people, I can’t wait to begin building relationships with them!
I am from India, came across your blog. Found it familiar, as my Major is Japanese Language and Literature.
Read in your intro page, that your course include, Japan or Japanese language. Lets talk or discuss anything regarding Japanese. Would love to learn American point of view on Japanese language, Japanese people, or their culture.
surendra kumar,
From India, New-Delhi