This semester was not my best semester as far as grades go. 🙁 I will share that right now, however, I did learn a lot about myself and my study habits.
Kyra’s Do’s and Don’ts
Don’t Study in your Dorm Room
I often say to myself, “Self, just go to your dorm so you can get your Japanese homework done there.”
That is a HUGE LIE. I usually get to my dorm, decide I am hungry, start cooking and then tell myself that I will start my homework after I get done cooking. In reality the only thing I end up doing after I eat is sleep. Which brings me to my next lesson…
Do Not Order Jimmy’s/Papa’s/Hut/or Pit Whenever You Feel Like it
This may seem like the obvious to you, but for whatever reason last semester, I ordered a meal (sometimes 2) every night and it used up a lot of my money! I ate pita pit and papa johns at least ten times a week!! The solution to this is, use your meal plans first, and come home at a decent time to cook dinner before going back out to study. One could also convince their friends that they are hungry too, so that they split the bill with you 😉
Do Stay Up and Get The Last Bit of Homework Done- BEFORE You Go To Bed
One too many times last semester I had just a little bit of homework left… just a little bit and I would put it off until the following morning. I did this, knowing my habit of BARELY waking up on time and hitting the snooze button like it was saving lives with every press. Lesson Learned… get it done BEFORE I go to bed… it’s not that hard.
Do Go Over Your Class Notes Every Night
I mean really Kyra, why do you write all of those notes during class, if you are never going to look at them again? Its a waste of paper!!! Look over all of your class notes every night, that will help you retain the information! DO IT !
Do Not Start on Your Homework at 11:00pm if it is due at Midnight!
Get it done before then, enough said.
Do make space in your daily schedule to study.
All last semester, the only time I had available to study was after 8:00 pm. Although I am a night owl, this was only enough time to get my homework done and get to bed. Late at night just wasn’t the best STUDY time.
Well, there you have it.
I will do some more reflecting and see what other things I need to keep on my forefront as the next semester begins.