The Spring Festival!!! It’s the biggest holiday in China and many other Asian countries!
This year at the University of Iowa, I finally had the chance to learn more about this Chinese New Year that I have heard so much about.
AWESOME! Is the word I would use to describe it! Although what I experienced here was not even a fraction of what is actually done to celebrate this magnificent holiday in it’s homeland or in U.S. metropolitan areas heavily populated with people of Asian decent, I still learned a lot and I had a nice introduction to the culture and traditions behind THE YEAR OF THE DRAGON! 🙂
Papa John’s Lunar New Year
Here is a picture of my friend Gisela hookin’ herself up with some Chinese dumplings and sauce! At the business building there were assorted Chinese dumplings, miso soup, and cute deep red envelopes. Earlier in the year I was dating a Chinese international student and he informed me of some of the traditions associated with the Lunar New Year. One thing that he said is that they eat dumplings as a good luck charm (or something like that), oranges are also seen as good fortune during the New Year.
CSSA Spring Festival Gala
A friend of mine asked me if my dance team, Iowa Andhi, would be interested in performing in front of 500 people. And of course I said Heck Yes! So, sure enough we were performing at the Chinese Student Scholars Association’s Spring Festival Gala. During this event both English and Chinese were spoken (Talk About Immersion!), people sang, danced, and did magic tricks.
My dance team was the first to perform, and while we were upstairs in the Iowa Memorial Student Union rehearsing, I remembered that there was a concert about to go down on the 2nd floor. Soo… during water break I ran down to the second floor only to find the band still setting up. I shared with TBD that I had a performance tonight so I couldn’t come to the concert, but that only means that they must come back and they HAVE to take a picture with me for good luck! They agreed! So here is my picture with Tim Be Told! ::))) #GEEKED!
- Check out their music on their website

There was also an event that I could not go to because I had class, but here is the brochure.
This upcoming Friday me and the girls will be performing at the Vietnamese Student Association’s Lunar New Year Celebration.
Here is the Facebook event! It should be awesome! 🙂