Advisor Question

I just got an email sent to me by a current freshman at the University of Iowa. šŸ™‚

Here is a quote with her concern.

“Hey Kyra!

Ā I stumbled upon your blog and I read about how happy you
were with your advisor, and couldn’t help thinking about mine. She’s nice
enough, and gives me helpful info when I ask, but I feel like we don’t really
connect much. So what should I do? I’d love to hear what you think!

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Current U of I Freshman”

Okay, well girl… HIGH FIVE for seeking out mentor-ship/guidance. I have to commend you for taking things a step forward and asking questions! As for your answer; I think you’ve come to the right place! Haha

Well, if your advisor is nice,Ā  effectively helps you understand your career path options, and class registration I think that you should definitely continue working with her. Although your academic advisor is one of your first options for a mentor, he/she is not the only one. I think you should seek out someone on campusĀ  (staff or faculty) that isĀ successfulĀ  in an area you may have interest in or someone is just an all around cool person doing cool things! After you figure out who you would like to be your mentor you can send them an email sharing with them why you’d like for them to be your mentor and request that you guys could meet up every couple of weeks to just check in with each other. Or you can just build the relationship with out officially putting on the title.

What do you do with your mentor??

Well, you share an interest in what projects, research, & events they may be a part of. Hear their story and how they got to where they are now. Ask them for advice and let them know what is going on from a student prospective.

It seems like a kind of odd thing to do, and I know this tactic isn’t for everyone, however, I know I’ve learned a lot from my mentors and it is really cool to know I have a faculty level of support at the University. This helps out tremendously in many different ways.

As for your advisor, why don’t you try stopping in sometime during herĀ walk in hoursĀ  and maybe seek her advice on a different area of your college experience other than classes, you may be surprised to see where this leads and this will allow her the opportunity to get to know you with out such a strict agenda such as registering you for next semester in an hour or less.

I know that was a lot to take in, but I hope it helped!

If you have any follow up questions please feel free to comment below or shoot me another email! šŸ™‚



Diversity, Dance, & Destiny

I Love These Girls

Iowa Andhi Cultural Ball Performance 2011

Here is the link to our very first performance!!! We did awesome, I am so proud of everyone. Our team is full of individuals, there are no two similar people on the team. We all come from different backgrounds, plenty of us speak other languages, and most of us grew up dancing different styles.

I learn so much from these girls everyday and they are always there when you need help.

I <3 Iowa Andhi!!!

Dance Team First Performance of the Year

Tonight, it was game time.

We had been through a lot this year; the grueling hours of the member selection process, hours upon hours of late night practices, executive team meetings at wee hours of the morning, manager selection, team bonding events, media preparation, costume design and creation, music editing, and implementing changes at the last minute.

We went onto stage feeling confident and beautiful. I was more than excited!!

Were we ready to perform at the annualĀ culturalĀ ball? There was only one way to find out.


I am glad to announce that this was an amazing performance, and that we had tons of fun dancing the routine which is absolutely amazing all in its own. I fed off the energy of the other girls, which in turn increased my performance. It was an awesome night and it really made us feel as if we were a team!

Great Job Girls!

Hello October, n Hello Good Lookin’

I am enjoying the stress of midterms, exams, papers, quizes, homework, and cold weather that October LOVES to bring! **Sarcastic Voice***

I am currently tucked away in the back of the 2nd floor library studying with a group of friends… well we are all studying different things but we are in a group studying in one room. All I can think about is pizza. Speaking of food, I had a bowl ofĀ cinnamonĀ oatmeal for breakfast this morning after I found the package underneath my bed. Haha, which is really gross now that I think about it-but, OH WELL! I woke up early this morning to get my homework done, and I must say, the Papa John Business Building has tall-dark-n-handsome’s walking around all over the place. The PBB (Papajohn Business Bld), honestly has some really good looking men in they’re being all extra sexy andĀ studious! (And if I may add, they are even cuter because they are studying). It’s a bittersweet situation. Because most of the time, the bldg is quiet, people are there to study, there is no horseplay or crazy loud meetings going on, and its a comfortable and modern place to study. On the other hand, all those beautiful people walking around can get kind of distracting.

Well I most definitely should get back to my Spanish!


Sunday Dinner

Tonight I went to the Afro House to enjoy the free food, music, and chill environment with some friends before I started my homework. It was delicious, and did I mention it was free? This event happens once a month at the Afro Culture Center by Black Student Union. There was cornbread, beans, rolls, chicken, potato salad, and more! I had a great time catching up with my friends and relaxing in the home-like environment. šŸ™‚

From The Ghea to the Stone!!!!!

Sara N Sarah!


Raising money for a student organization, has never been so fun! Members of Students Abolishing Slavery and other volunteers came out to scoop ice cream with SAS! The employees at Coldstone were very nice and showed us the ropes, lets just say I’m nothing short of BIG DEAL when it comes to scoopin’ and mixin’ ice cream on the Coldstone. The most popular mix was the Birthday Cake Remix, I do not eat chocolate, but if I did; I am sure it would be amazing. A percentage of the all the proceeds were donated to SAS and all the tips also were given to the organization.

Me and the girls that I worked with were jammin’ out to the music that was playing on the speaker. I wish I had a video of when the song Circle of Life from the Lion King came on!!! We had such a hay day, dancing around, and attempting to sing the lyrics.

Talk about memories šŸ™‚

Not to mention, that every time we received a tip, we got to sing also Coldstone Remixes to songs!



They tried to make me go to DQ, but I said no, no, no

Yes they have shakes, but when it comes to taste youā€™ll know, know, know

That they ainā€™t got it right, and cold stoneā€™s outta sight

Just try and make me go to DQ and I wonā€™t go, go, go

All The Small Things

Mixed Recycling!

Okay, so Mayflowerr (one of the Universityā€™s residence halls) is upgrading! Last year, I had to walk down four flights of stairs (or take the elevator) to the first floor, to go to the recycling room. Then sort all of my recycling according to the signs above these big bins. But this year, MAGICALLY, I no longer have to do that. In the recycling room along with all public areas of the residence hall are these cute little blueĀ  bins that allow me to stuff my cardboard, plastic, and soda cans ALL IN ONE BIN! WOOT WOOT! Talk about progress! Go Hawks!

Henna Tattoo

Attending Indian Student Alliance was not just rewarding because all of the great food, but I also got my CULTURE on! šŸ™‚ I sent this photo to my grandma to show her how cool it was and she responded by text, ā€œI hope thatā€™s not permenent.ā€ Haha, luckily for my grandmother it was not permanent. Sadly, it was gone in about 6 days. Having the tatto was a great conversation starter around campus. So if you are looking for a way to talk to more peopleā€¦.you now know what to do!


Studying late in the Mayflower lounge area has its benefits. When it is time for me to head back to my bedroom on the second floor, I can walk into the metal box alone, push number 2 and enjoy being lazy.

The Sorted Laundry

This is what happens when you wait over a month to do your laundry; color cordinated skyscrapers take over your study room area!

My Sister Rockin’ The Hawk in Washington D.C.

So, I went into the Old Capital Mall and found this cute T-shirt that was in sign language! How cool is that?

I have a half-sister who attends the Gallaudet University in Washington DC! šŸ™‚

She likes basketball, hanging out with friends, and drawing šŸ™‚

I sent her this t-shirt for her birthday so she could Rock Out with her Hawk Out in the U.S. capital! The shirt was perfect for her, because it is in her “mother tongue”

My sister was born deaf, so she communicates by using American sign language or ASL.
Seeing that t-shirt, was one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen in a store! I’ve never been so solid on a gift before, like I was with this one. šŸ™‚

So I sent it to her, and she loved it so much that she took a picture of herself wearing it on her way to class on her facebook page! šŸ˜€

Her comment below the picture read "I love that new shirt from Kyra! Iowa is so awesome state! "

California Bound

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Finding a ride to Cedar Rapids was a lot of hard work! Luckily, my sister Kyeisha, came through, and at 1:00 am I arrived in Cedar Rapids at my aunt Denaā€™s house. After 3 hours of sleep I was awake again getting ready to head to the airport.Ā  The C.R. airport was so quiet, but it wasnā€™t long before my air-rage began. Haha, I had to pay 25$ to check in my bagā€”grrr the first one should be free if you ask me! But of course no one did-hmph!

Once on my Continental Airline planeā€¦ I fell asleep at no surprise to me. Take off was annoying like usual; my ears were popping like popcorn. Iowa is sooo green Texas is brown.


So I should probably buy something here as a souvenir!

I have never seen so many hot people in one place. This Houston airport is just filled with beautiful people!

As I was sitting down drinking a McCafe cappuccino drowned in sugar & a strawberry banana smoothie, a young girl with a southern accent smiled at me. After I returned the smile, she asked if she could eat breakfast with me because she didnā€™t want to sit alone. I told her OF COURSE! Her name was Aubrey and she was 13 traveling from visiting her mom back home to Oklahoma all by herself. She told me that I look close to her ageā€¦LOL thatā€™s a lot older than what age people usually assume that I am. PROGRESS!

For all you who donā€™t know— I am heading to California. SANFRANCISCO to participate in Googleā€™s freshman program called BOLD Immersion. When I land my friend Danielle is going to meet me at my hotel, Hotel Valencia and we are going to head to the beach! LEGGO!

Well I gotta go head to my gate! San Francisco is calling!