On Sunday November 10th, we had a concert in Voxman concert hall. It consisted of 9 songs, 3 poems and a theme about time. From “running out of time” to “waisting time” to “mornings quick coffee” (say that one tem times fast). As a Alto Two my range goes from high C’s and D’s to Love A’s and G’s. Unlike other years, we had our Final concert for the semester alone so we had a bigger work load. It was definitely hard to get there but I think it was one of the most proud I have been to be part of a group. Not only did I get back to doing a solo and taking a leap of faith in myself it just felt like the group was united. It is always been a great community in the University and so rewarding.
One of the coolest part of this concert for me personally was I actually was one of the soloists who read a poem. Mine was called “A Poem About Time” by Anxhelo Llangozi. It was actually one of the things I am most proud of through my college years so far. I had to audtion and then I had to practice my reading of the poem, then when it came time preform my heart out. No I did not dance or anything but I read with my heart and soul right on that stage. I felt fearless and also like I was going to fall of the stage. If you thought I was not nervous that would be a lie. Anyone who performs gets nervous it shows you care. But at the same time you need to believe in yourself. Never hold yourself back because you think you might fail. Also pro tip if you ever make a mistake only you know they will not be paying attention to the little slips. Hold yourself with confidence.
Before and after any performance have a routine, it will help you feel more centered.
Before: I always drink ginger and honey water, meditate and tell my self the important things to remember “I am strong, I am good enough, and I am here for a reason.”
After: Always meet with those who came to see me. Thank my director, go celebrate. If that’s going to get ice cream or getting a fun dinner. Do it!
Last, if you plan to audition for any performance groups here at the university, we would love you to join us. We are so excited to have new members every year.
I have enjoyed sophomore year on a whole different level. I have met so many new people. While I understand most people are not as outgoing as I can be, there are so many events in the school to find people to connect to. I wanted to give some tips on meeting new people in crowded and small settings.
My first tip is to explore the diverse range of HALL EVENTS!!!!! Your RA (resident assistant) will organize a variety of hall events that are open to everyone, including your friends from other dorms. These events, from craft nights to movie nights, cater to different interests and are a great way to bond with your dorm mates.
Target Runs are a must with Friends.
Rush! If you’re interested in Greek life and want to try it out. No matter the outcome, you will meet people who will create connections, like someone on a coffee date once a week or a group of friends you can go to when you need help on that one assignment. I met so many amazing girls when I rushed; it was a great experience.
Take advantage of CAB events! Follow the Campus Activities Board (CAB) on Instagram for various activities, from little festivals like Springapalooza and Fall Fest to unique events like Blind Date with a Book. I once got a build-a-bear at one of the events. These events are fun and accessible, making them a great way to save money. Plus, the CAB members are always friendly and open to conversation!
University Choir on tour last Spring. These are lasting friendships!
Student Organizations are a fantastic way to meet people!!! Dance Marathon is one I am passionate about and personally interested in. I have met so many incredible people. Not only do you get to help families in the community, but you also get to be around so many other students with the same values on philanthropy. There are also A capella, Math, Intramural sports, and so much more. You can really find some fantastic people in these groups.
Last, talk to someone in class!!! You never know how much you might have in common, and I also just know even if not every person in college doesn’t stay your friend, I promise you will learn so much about yourself. If you ever need someone on the part of the exp campus, I am always open to a conversation!!!!! You have to get this. No matter how hard college can be, we all are going through the same ups and downs. Don’t hesitate to take a risk and talk to someone.
I promised to give you a little study tips blog, so here it is!!!!
I always recommend getting the supplies. Target or Walmart are great places, are pretty cheap, and can have excellent deals around back-to-start. My list always looks like
Notebooks = the number of classes. Even if you don’t take notes, you can write down all the essential to-do lists for the class
Pens = in different colors
Note cards!
Bluetooth speaker or earbuds!
Snacks and a drink!
Comfortable 0utfit!
Okay, now that you are all ready, let’s study. Personally, I always like to leave my room. I find getting out, putting on my headphones, and going to a small coffee shop easier. Once I get there, set up my space with my computer and notebooks, pencil case out and my favorite study music. Then I go order my coffee. Depending on what I am working on I will reread the lecture notes or discussion notes and try to refresh my memory. I work on all the small homework assignments, usually the ones due in a day or two. I take a 10 minute break after that read, write for fun, or some death scrolling.
OK, now to the big assignments. You have to work on a paper or study for an assessment. This is when you get the highlighters and pens out and look at the whole thing first. Then break it down. I always study for 30 minutes and then stand up and repeat 2-3 times. If it is analysis or a test prep, I recommend going through your notes or the slides multiple times to help determine what is important.
Last, once you have done that 2-3 times, you’re done studying. Too much at once will NOT let you learn. You need to rest your brain like any other muscle so give yourself grace and rest. That’s how I study.
It’s been crazy starting year two of college. Not only have I been busier than ever, but I have also just turned 20! Since I just had my birthday, I decided to list a few things you can do here in Iowa City before age 21. Let’s get started!
My favorite is the free stuff, whether Starbucks or Java House; they tend to send you coupons for a free drink, and I recommend it. Also, Sephora in Coraville has some great deals.
Now, places to celebrate!!!! I love to go to Restaurants. Some great dinner places include Trumpet Blossom, Airliner, Pancheros, and more. If you want a morning thing, go to the Poindexter, Prairie Lights Bookstore, or Encounter Cafe. I also totally recommend picnics on the Pentacrest.
Another great way to enjoy a birthday is a dorm party. During the non-quiet hours, put some music on and have sweets and snacks with an activity, whether a game or an art project. Or, watch a movie and ask your friends to bring soda, coffee, and snacks for a fun movie night.
I also find treating yourself to a little gift is a great way to celebrate yourself because you got yourself here. So go to Target and get a blanket or a mug or anything you want to make you feel happier, especially if it’s your this special the first birthday away from family.
Last call family and friends and talk to them about life. I found it really helpful, especially as a freshman. I missed my family and friends and being able to talk to them on the phone helped.
One of the best ways to work on writing is in a coffee shop. I love to work on papers or my personal work in a coffee shop every Thursday.
I have switched majors 3-4 times. It is essential to try new things, and you don’t have to know what you want to do with your life 100%. I am 20 years old and am still determining what I want for half of the time. As a creative Writing Major at one of the best writing schools in the United States, I found that I really enjoy learning all about the English Language and writing. I also see things I will want to use as a writer. Poetry is one of my favorite things to analyze, but I also love to read, so if you like writing and reading, this is the major for you.
My weeks look pretty chill for a second-year first semester. I am taking five classes: Rhetoric, Foundations of the English Major, Foundations of Creative Writing, History of Jazz, and University Choir. Mondays and Wednesdays are early mornings, with my first class at 9:30 am. But I only have class on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2:30. I have a class at 5:00 pm. I only have one discussion on Fridays at 11:30. As a student, that gives me a reasonable amount of time to study. If you need study tips, I will post a few of my favorite personal ones soon, so look at those!!!!
Last is a writer, myself. I always set aside time to write not only my music but I want to someday write a book. The best thing to do in college is to try and fail a hundred times. Make mistakes and try to get your dreams started. You will only be a disappointment to yourself if you never try. I have surprised myself so pleasantly so many times. So, if you choose Engineering or Medical fields, you can still work on your dreams. Never give up on them because you might change paths, but you will become so much more well-rounded as a person. So while this Hawkeye is a creative writer, she is so much more and can’t wait to learn more about herself.
I have a week left of being in Iowa City then I go home. So I thought I would talk about my finals and some of the changes that I am making for next year.
First I will say that finals week is stressful but also the school has a lot of really nice things that can help with all the stress like free coffee, breakfast at later times, therapy dogs, and other cool events in the IMU. So if you ever need to give yourself a break I would 100% take a break. Also, I would say the school has all dorms 24-hour quiet hours, meaning no one will be super loud while you study in your room.
Ok, to the changes. I actually have completely changed my major, I will say that it took 3 times to figure out what I truly want to do and within these changes, I learned many things about my wants. One I never want to be in a world that controls my music while I have huge respect for the way the school of music does its program, it was not for me and I think people don’t talk about how you don’t have to feel ashamed about not fitting with a group. It’s not like a high school clique it’s more just you don’t work with a group well. So I made the decision to take the minor I basically have and I still plan to do choir but I am switching my major.
You might be wondering to what? Well, I am switching to creative writing and Elementary Ed. (I still have to apply to the school for education) Some people ask me why those two and I have my personal reasons obviously. But first I love teaching and I want to teach kindergarten because my joke is I never grew up past 5. I still love Disney movies, making up silly songs, and just enjoy young minds they are fascinating. Kids come up with the coolest ideas too, plus my mother was a preschool teacher.
Then there is creative writing and I will say because I love to write all the time. I write songs at least twice a week and usually more. Plus I want to do something I will truly love while I am in college. I also want to write a poetry book and a fiction book. I feel like I just get so many inspirations from this city and I want to share them. I also just want to have fun.
So if you come to college with your life planned out that’s perfect but also don’t ever be ashamed to change your mind cause you might just find your passion and if you let yourself be your true authentic self then you will be able to thrive. I will say if last year you told me I would be going into education I would have laughed at you I said I was never going to be a teacher outside of personal music lessons and look at me now. So now you can say things and it might change over time and that’s amazing it’s what makes college great. I am 19 and I still have a lot of my story that I haven’t decided to make mistakes and have fun.
Finals and Changes might be crazy now but in 10 years they will not even matter so don’t ever settle.
It sure is rainy today. I feel I would just talk about my favorite places to sit inside and just put music on and study, write songs, or relax.
The Library:
When you walk into the library you can go to many different floors for different vibes my personal favorite is the Food For Thought Area. There are loads of tables and areas to sit either alone or with your friends. I prefer the bustle I usually get overwhelmed if it is very quiet, especially having to work on Homework so I prefer there to be music in my headphones and people around me. But as I said I have friends who like other areas. many of them like the top floor where it’s supposed to be dead silent. (I would not recommend your music be turned all the way up in your headphones everyone can hear your music if they don’t have their own headphones in) (trust me I learned the hard way). Anyway, there are tons of places to sit and relax.
Dorm Commons:
When it is miserable out either cold, rainy, or even super hot all dorms are very nice with tons of spots to take impromptu naps or read a good book. I love to take up a chair and read s book when I have time. Especially if it’s cold some weekend days I don’t leave my room unless it is to get food and it can make me stir crazy. I like being active and going for walks but sometimes you can’t. I would totally recommend if you are with some friends use the games there is pool, ping pong, and other fun games in many of the dorms (or walk next door and use them. Also, some of the dorms have pianos which if you like to play with your friends then more power to you.)
Dorm Room:
Okay, I LOVE watching TV in my room all the time. I will make hot cocoa, sit on blankets, and eat junk food. I recommend making a cozy area that’s not just your bed if that’s a futon, cozy chair, or a bunch of pillows on the ground try not to have it on your bed that way it is a separate cozy space and when friends come over they can relax there too. I also love putting lights up and photos of artists and little wall things to make it more like a happy place remember you are living there.
Last place is the gym. For those trail runners, I know it can make you crazy when you miss a day of running due to cold weather or rain. I either take the bus to the CREW or my dorm Currier has a gym downstairs. I run a few miles on the treadmill at a decent pace. I also love that I can cool down in all the gyms. they have spaces for stretching.
These places are great places to hang out when it is cold on campus. If you have other places please put them below I am always looking for things to do or spend time studying. Well, I hope you enjoy your rainy days and if you like the rain then no one is stopping you from dancing out in it but for those who want to stay out of the elements this hopefully helps.
Last weekend University Choir embarked on our Choir Tour!!!! Not only did we perform 3 nights in a row, we went to 4 different High Schools and sang at the Iowa State Capitol.
Drake University
The Iowa Choral Show Case at Drake University
We started our tour on April 17th in Des Moines by singing in the Iowa Choral Showcase. It is a performance where schools all over Iowa send their school’s choir groups from middle school-college and they select very few choirs to perform that evening at Drake University. It was such an honor for us to perform. That evening we performed 5 songs. After the Showcase we headed back to the Hotel for the first night’s rest.
Des Moines Day 2
We got up at the bright and early 6:00 to make it to breakfast and bus by 8:45 On our way to the first High School. We went to Winterset High School and sang two songs and they sang two songs. Not only did we get to see
Inside the Iowa Capitol
each other sing we also go to show how diverse our Choir is. Majors in medicine, English, Music and so much more. I will say I truly enjoyed watching these students who are only a year or two younger show love and appreciation for music as much as we all do. Next, we ended up at Indianola High School where we did the same thing as before switched off singing songs to each other, and then spoke about our choir experience.
We then took a little time to go to the Iowa State Capitol Building and Sang a few songs in the building. After we got to explore East Village. I will say it was nice to finally take a little breather having been singing and sitting on the bus pretty continuously. We went to the cutest coffee shop and then walked around downtown. I also went with my friends and explored the Capitol Library. It was truly beautiful and classic.
A few hours later we went straight to Plymouth Congregational to get ready for the Concert that we would have with Urbandale High School. I will say there is a joy to standing with all my fellow choir group and singing songs we have put months of work into and seeing everyone’s faces. My favorite song we sang was Ain’t No Grave. It is one of the fastest songs I have learned but it is definitely a fun one. We also got to sing with the High School the song Antiphon which is a big song with an Organ and with both choirs it sounds amazing.
Hawkeye Bus in front of The Capitol.
Day 3 On Our Way To Omaha
After a long night, we woke up and got on the bus to go to our 3rd high school Dallas Center-Grimes High School. I will say the Clinics are so fun. The appreciation these High Schoolers have for music and the work they put into their songs. We drove a few hours and after a quick lunch, we had our last Clinic at Glenwood High School. Both groups sang a few songs. one of the high school group songs our pianist Kyle played their music for. Shout out to our rockstar pianist Kyle!!!!
Then we drove to Omaha (most of us slept on the bus.) They dropped us off at the mall for an hour or so. We all decided to kill time with widow shopping and walking around I will say it is totally fun to just walk around with your choir besties and look at all the stores even though half of us are on a college budget. (Hahaha)
After we made our way to First Central Congregational and started to practice and warm up. By our warmups, some
of our voices were a bit tired so we took it easy on them. That night Omaha Central High School joined us to perform. We enjoyed our last concert and went out with a bang. Singing our set one more time was quite fun. We got to the hotel and spent the rest of the evening winding down. (personally, I was listening to Taylor Swift’s The Tortured Poets Department double albums and colored.)
Omaha and Home
Choir Singing Together.
That morning we got to sleep in and met at 8:45 instead of 8:00. We all then got to explore downtown Omaha. the group I was with started our morning in the cutest coffee shop. We went to a record store where some of us spent time looking through the $2 records I got a Helen Ready and an old musical. We looked at a few antique stores before our last stop the coolest and most random candy, antique, and pinball, place. We also got lunch there and just enjoyed our free day. It was a blast to hang out with people who I spend my time with in class every day but they are on the opposite side of the room. I got to know my peers so much better on this trip. I will say it was truly enjoyable.
After Concert Selfie
We then went home on our bus and I will say quiet bus ride on the entire trip. Napping and headphones in I spent the entire ride home just enjoying the joy of having done something so fun and remarkable, Not only does it give you a chance to hang out with people with like-minded love for music. I truly feel we are a big community that truly has fun. We got back to Iowa City and all left the bus now I am back in Iowa City and still ask myself if was it a fever dream or real. It was so much fun.
If you are looking for a fun group to join and go to cool places and sing then I would totally recommend you audition for University Choir at IOWA. GO HAWKS
Easter weekend is probably the quietest weekend in the dorms. But I wouldn’t know because I wasn’t here instead I went to Chicago. What a great city it is filled with so much bustle and beautiful places. My family got settled in our Hotel and then spent Friday evening going to HardRock Cafe. It is one of the coolest chain restaurants I have gone to. Filled with artists’ instruments, clothes, photos and so much more. I will say it is fun to listen to music all night while you eat a good old burger and fries. I got a kid-size milkshake too.
The next morning I ran on the Michigan Lake and Chicago River. It was so amazing. just seeing everyone out running, walking dogs, and listening to all the bustle of the city. My father and I finished our run after about 4 miles and walked back to
the hotel but not before getting some bagels. then we went to my favorite breakfast place in the city called Kanela Breakfast Club. I like their mochas and I love their goat cheese kale omelet but this time I got their breakfast burrito and it was AMAZING. As always they have the freshest fruit and iced water too.
My family took a little break after at the hotel and enjoyed the view from our 17th-floor window. It’s crazy how small a city like Chicago makes you feel. It is such a beautiful place to just look at. I then went with my mom and dad to Levis and got a new jacket I got this really pretty winter sweater.
Then my family got ready to watch Peter Pan the Broadway musical. I wore my favorite dress with these big sleeves. The show was amazing Peter Pan was 17 years old and had a really good voice. Plus the way they were able to move and fly while they were singing is amazing. I enjoyed watching how the actors just had so much fun on that stage. It was a blast. I want to be part of that group.
After such an amazing show we went to Palmer House and got Shirley Temples and sat in the room where they have a bar and I swear in the 1920s they must have had the most fine events. It is one of the most beautiful hotels and places to go in Chicago late at night.
After a long day, we went to bed and for Easter, we spent the day with family. I got
back to Iowa City the next morning at 7:00 so I may make it to class at 8:00 am. Well, I hope if you have time you go to Chicago in your time while you’re so close by.
How many times do you go out in your hometown to your favorite steak house or bakery? Do you have a favorite day in school lunches is pizza day or burger day the best? Well as a Hawkeye it’s hard to go hungry there are so many options not only in the dining halls but also in the heart of downtown.
Ok, we all know sometimes the high school lunch food had favorite days and least favorite days. Well here all three dining halls have a variety of foods every day during the school week and on the weekends two of them are open. All three have salad bars, yogurt bars, cereal, drinks, and desserts. Catlett open Mondays-Fridays is definitely my go-to with friends on the east side. With the grill and so many drink options I would say it’s one of my favorites. Plus as an early riser if you get there at 7:10-7:30 the Sunny Side Up makes omelets or breakfast bowls, SO GOOD!!! Burge the other east side dining hall has all the classics with pasta, walking tacos, and you can grab an ice cream to go. Hillcrest on the west side has the best burritos ever. I have to say it’s an all-time favorite of mine and on Sundays from 12-2, you can get breakfast burritos. Anyway, that’s what I like about the dining halls.
Ok now time for all the little Hawk shops/Food stops, these are places where you can use Flex Swipes, Hawk Dollars, or your own money. They all are a little different but there are quite a few locations I like. The library’s Food For Thought is great for a quick lunch stop. Pick up a Flex meal or grab a Starbucks coffee. my other favorite hawk shops would be the Clinton one in Burge and the Gyms Power Cafe (my personal favorite smoothie is the Kale-A-Fornia Dreaming.
Let’s move on to the upscale places. These are places that you might have to save for but it’s worth it once in a while. I know I have talked about Trumpet Blossom before but I love it so much, their veggie burger is my favorite. Another place that I recently discovered was Crêpes de Luxe Cafe. I loved their sweet Crêpes and they have good pastries and coffee, a great brunch date. Last I love Saigon’s Corner its Authentic Vietnamese Cuisine. I really enjoy their garden rolls.
Comfort food!!!! Are you a Chipotle or Pancheros kind of person do you like pizza or burgers well downtown Iowa City has everything. Mickey’s Pub has good burgers, and Airliner has great pizza. You truly can’t go wrong. Plus we have buffalo wild wings and they now even have a whole vegetarian menu.
Well now you know how to eat in Iowa City you shall never go hungry.