Let’s Go Hawks!
Hey Hawkeyes!
Wow, talk about a busy week and weekend. Has it already been almost a week since my last post?! I’ll give you a short rundown on last week.
Tuesday night, with no pressing homework, was the fun night of going out for frozen yogurt with some friends. Just so you know, Orange Leaf’s chocolate and carmel yogurt with butterfingers is really good.
Wednesday started the University Band, which is the non-audition band here at Iowa. Anyone can do it, and you even get a credit for it. We played through the music we will be playing for our concert which is December 3rd, for those who want to check it out. We’re playing some pretty cool pieces.
Thursday night, a few friends and I went out for ice cream with some new friends that were sophomores in engineering. We met at an engineering gathering in the Seamans Center (engineering building) and they were really helpful in giving advice about classes and professors.
Friday brought the scramble to submit the Chemistry homework by 11:59pm. A group of girls on my floor gathered in a room to help each other and we finished the homework with plenty of time to spare. As a celebration of finishing the Chemistry homework, we went to the movie playing at the Iowa Memorial Union.
Saturday meant sleeping in (finally!) and of course, the big football game against Iowa State. This was my first college football game so I was a little nervous and a little excited. I walked to Kinnick Stadium with a friend, but somehow got separated once we were there. There were so many people! I ended up standing next to some people I didn’t know, but they were very friendly and helped fill me in on how things usually worked at the games. A few pictures from my first Hawkeye football game:
- The awesome catch that was almost a touchdown, but his foot didn’t land right.
- Taking the field after halftime.
- “I got it! I got it!”
- “Oh, you didn’t want a group hug?”
- Pre-game Flags
- Cheering for the Hawkeyes!
- I’m not sure who this is but he noticed my camera and posed for me. Most people don’t like having pictures taken, so I really appreciate his willingness. I just wish I hadn’t had my zoom lens on my camera. But thank you for your awesome attitude! Go Hawks!
- The Hawkeye Marching. They sounded and looked awesome!
- The front of Kinnick Stadium on Game Day
Even though we didn’t win, it was still a ton of fun. Campus was really quiet afterwards, so it was a little depressing. I’m excited for this week’s game against Northern Iowa. Go Hawks!