What’s Fluffy and White and Cold All Over?
Hey Hawkeyes!
Guess what?!
It SNOWED!!!!!!!
Isn’t it exciting?! Ok, yeah, it made everything wet and sloppy and kinda cold to walk to class in. I didn’t have far to walk today, but I know several people who had to walk across campus and they really didn’t enjoy it. However, I love snow! I think campus looks so pretty covered in it. I plan on taking some more pictures soon. The snow was just blowing too much for me to want to take my big camera outside. Word of advice: invest in some nice warm, water-proof boots. A lot of people were taken by surprise by the snow and didn’t have proper footwear. Ok, I might have been one of them (I didn’t have room in my bags when I moved back to campus 🙁 ). But a lot of people tried just wearing their rain boots and discovered how cold snow actually is. A couple people with nice, warm boots discovered the necessity of water-proofing.
In the meantime, here’s some pictures of the snow and ice (from the safety and warmth of my lounge with HUGE windows 🙂 ).
- The bikes outside the dorm. I doubt anyone will be moving them any time soon.
- Not only do the trees still have the ice from the storm on Sunday, but they now have snow caps
- One of the branches that I took pictures of on Sunday. So pretty!
- Walking to class. Not quite as many people out as usual. This was before my 8:30 class, so I’m sure a lot of people didn’t head out until they absolutely had to.