Just Another Week
Hey Hawkeyes!
I hope everyone has been staying warm. It hasn’t been an awfully cold week which is kinda nice. However, since it has been warmer the walkways are sloppy with melted snow and sand. When you’re wearing snow boots it really isn’t so bad, but when you need to look nice and wear dress pants with nice shoes it can be a bit difficult. I had a meeting, two classes, and then an interview on Friday and I discovered the previously mentioned difficulty.
I ended up wearing my dress pants tucked into my snow boot with my shiny heels packed in my backpack next to my notebooks. When I got to my interview, I stopped outside and changed into my heels while shoving my boots into my backpack. The interview went well and I’m really excited about that opportunity. I also have two more interviews coming up in the next week and I’m kinda nervous about them. I have all these great opportunities that I’m really excited about.
It’s that situation where you want to get all of them because they’re all amazing but you know that you have to choose between them because they’re all happening at the same time. All of them would provide great experiences and help me develop leadership as well as other skills. I’m hoping that by this time next month I’ll be able to report that I have been offered all three positions and will start the pro and con lists. But until then the only thing I can do is prep for my two interviews and hope.
In other news, I took my first midterm this past week. It went really well, but I’m still nervously awaiting the grade. This next week will bring two tests (both of which I’m a little nervous for) and of course they’re on the same day so my brain will be mush by the end of Wednesday. Luckily, with this past Friday being Valentine’s Day, the stores had some great sales on chocolate so I will be well-prepared for doing homework while eating chocolate that night. At least with two tests it means I have a one less quiz and one less homework assignment this week. My friends and I are falling into a routine of homework along with planning ice cream breaks and movie nights for when we get the homework done early. Hopefully I’ll have time to get my camera out soon so I’ll have more pictures to post of all this snow.
Talk to you all later this week and I’ll let you know how the interviews and tests go.