Here we go!
Monday, August 20th, 2012Hey Hawkeyes!
I hope all the other freshman enjoyed On Iowa! as much as I did. I had a fantastic small group. And here’s a picture of them!
We talked about making the most out of our time here since we only have 2 million minutes. We also attended a activities fair to learn about some of the clubs and organizations on campus. There are a few I’m considering. I’ve heard the Ballroom Dancing club is a lot of fun, so that may be a possibility.
Today for On Iowa! we talked about the choices we will have to make now that we’re on our own. We talked about different situations and how we would/should respond. Next on the list was Convocation.

Convocation at the Old Capitol
We listened to Sally Mason speak about our college careers and how fast our lives will and already are changing.
Herky even got in on the action:
Unfortunately, it began to rain right after her speech. It cleared off enough to go to the Block Party to eat and listen to music, but it sprinkled/poured on and off the entire evening.

Just a small glimpse of all the people at the Block Party, the words “free food” mean a lot to college kids
Tomorrow starts the semester of classes. I’m excited and nervous. I’m taking everything a day at a time and trying not to get too ahead of myself. I figure this will be the best spot of all year. I’m cautiously optimistic about classes and I don’t have a semester of classes behind me to worry me. I don’t have to be too prepared for anything because I’m just a freshman, no one expects me to know anything! It’s a pretty good feeling, surprisingly. Here’s to a hopefully successful semester!