Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Hey You There

Thursday, April 10th, 2014

Hello Everyone! My name is Sauvik Goswami and I am an Admission Counselor for the University of Iowa. Throughout this blog you can follow me as I journey through my domestic and abroad travels. I will also share my experience as an University of Iowa Alum and a community member of Iowa City. My goal is to provide all readers a glimpse of what everyday life is like on campus, and show why the University of Iowa is a truly remarkable institution where the opportunities to achieve your academic and career goals are endless.

Feel free to post below if you have any questions or comments or would like to supply your own experiences as a visitor to our campus.

Once a Hawkeye, Always a Hawkeye!   


“I’m a # Sauvlieber” (Sorry Bieber I am cooler)