

Cramming for Midterms

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Mmmm…pretend sleep


Dearest Reader,

Dearest Kindest Reader,

It’s really cold out.

Hope you’ve been bundling up. If you got sick…I’m not sure what I’d do with myself (besides shower you in scalding chicken soup).

Besides the weather, something else has been giving me chills. Sitting down today, I added up this next weak, taking into consideration tests, papers, smaller tests, homework, etc.

I’ve got 5 midterms!

Wowzers! How did that happen?

But I’ve got no fear in my heart. Instead, I’m keeping a can-do, Sunday warrior type of mentality. I’ve got a list of ways you can make up for being a bad student (scratch that…a normal student…) with what precious time you’ve got, and trick your professors into thinking that you’ve been keeping up with the work.

1.) Get some coffee. Obviously. I’m not saying you should make a pot, chug the whole damn thing, and then stay up all night, unable to do anything with the jitters. Instead, make a pot for the evening, and have a cup an hour, depending on how you handle caffeine. If one cup keeps you up all night, great, you save money. If you can’t drink coffee, too bad (kidding), instead, get some black tea. You have to drink 4 times as much to get the same caffeine, so get ready to waste time making trips to the bathroom.

2.) Note cards are your best friend. You have no time to sit down and fully comprehend stuff. You screwed that pooch. Now, you only have time to pull out key terms (or if you need to know what happened in a reading, Google “What happens in _(reading title)_?”) , stick them on a piece of paper, and then memorize that information for a brain dump come test time. Physical note cards are great because you can take them with you anywhere (feeding table, the bus, bathroom), but websites exist that let you make virtual cards, and even play games with the information.

3.) Accept your fate. Really, you should have kept up with your work. If you’re completely worried that you’ll know nothing on the test AND, you know why, it’s probably too late to really learn anything. You can still salvage the grade, it just won’t be pretty.

That’s all the advice I’ve got. But what are you doing, wasting your time reading this blog? And what am I doing? Wasting my time blogging?

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