One thing about college, and I’m absolutely certain this is true of any college, is that by the end of the semester, every single person on campus is beyond burnt out. The stress of classes coming to a close just as the holiday season rolls around is enough to tank the energy of a full campus of students anywhere in the world. That, my friends, is why winter break exists.
Now, for those of you who do not know, winter Break in college is usually a full month long as compared to K-12 schools getting a couple weeks. It is single-handedly the most necessary break I have ever taken from education, ever. It gives time to reset and process the semester as a whole and spend time with family and friends.
Now, as a freshman, all of my college friends who I met over the first semester, and I went back to our hometowns for winter break. It never dawned on me how much I would miss seeing the people I met on campus over the month we were all gone, but the connections I have made here are just as important as some of the friendships I still have back home. Within days, we were sending messages trying to meet up over break somewhere between the scattered Midwest regions we all came from.
The break also taught me how much I value routine as an adult. A month of not having to be places at specific times began to make my head spin. Because once the constant sense of feeling like I was missing class faded, I was so bored not having designated places to be as an adult. That’s something that felt different about this break compared to high school. Now that I am considered an adult, there is zero expectation for where I should be at any given time when there are no classes in question. I found myself yearning for homework and more hours at work, which was a different and aging feeling.
Overall, I learned to value the time I had away from school while also learning to value the school itself. While pursuing a degree often feels daunting and scary, the time spent is worth it. The people you meet, the education, and the experiences you gain along the way make it worth your time. But obviously appreciate the breaks and take care of yourself along the way.