I went home for the weekend. Wow, have I missed my family. It seems like my niece and nephew are growing up sooo fast! On the other hand, I have returned back to Iowa City just in time to go to work. At work I plan on getting a lot of my homework done. Right after work I am heading off to Iowa Andhi Practice! (Iowa Andhi- University of Iowa’s Bollywood dance team!)

Hey Alice !!!
You should check out my latest blog about Iowa Andhi, there you can see a picture of the current team and see that there are people on the team of all races , ethnicities, and nationalities! If you love to dance, that is reason enough to audition for the team. 🙂
Please email Iowa.andhi@gmail.com and I can get you more details about getting involved with the team! 🙂
Hi Kyra,
I am very interested in Iowa Andhi, but I don’t know if I have to be indian descent or not. I am more like Asian. If you think that I can join Iowa Andhi, can you let me know where do you usually meet with the group and at what time?